Search for properties
When you access the Manage Properties page, your properties are displayed in the Search Properties pane:
By default, the Console displays 5 properties at a time; to view the next (or the previous) set of 5 properties use the navigation controls at the bottom right of the pane:
If viewing 5 properties at a time isn’t sufficient, that can be changed by clicking the Rows per page arrow and then selecting either 10 or 50 from the dropdown list:
For example, here’s the same Manage Properties page, this time with Rows per page set to 50:
To see all the displayed properties simply scroll down the page.
Before you ask, yes, the Rows per page setting is “sticky:” the value you set remains when you leave the Manage Properties page. In fact, the value remains even after you log off: the next time you log back on, the Console “remembers” your previously-configured rows per page.
By default, properties are sorted by their Id, a unique value (e.g., rb8s6tpsu2uy2f6bs5m5vu5yc3dadhvv) assigned at the time the property is created. As a result, your list of properties will typically look something like this:
If you prefer, however, you can sort properties by Name instead of ID. To do that, click the Name label to sort properties by name, and in ascending (A to Z) order:
Click the Name label a second time to sort in descending (Z to A) order. Note that Id and Name are the only two columns you can sort by; you cannot sort by either Actions or Features.
You can also use the Search properties feature to search for properties by name or by Id. To search for a property, start by typing a letter (e.g., the letter p) in the Search properties field. The Console responds by showing you search results similar to these:
Those search results might have surprised you: there’s a good chance you were expecting to see all the properties whose Name starts with the letter p. But that’s not how Search properties works. Instead, it looks for the search term (p) anywhere in either the Name or the Id of the property. In the preceding example, all the returned properties have a p somewhere in their Name or Id:
Type an additional letter (e.g., o) and the results will be filtered to show properties that have the string value po somewhere in their Name or Id:
Just remember that the search string can appear anywhere in the Name or Id; it’s not limited to appearing only at the start of the property name or Id. For example, the search string po also returns this property:
To view the entire list of properties again, select and delete any text in the Search properties field.
If you want to target a specific type of property (e.g., all the properties that have the direct_access feature), you can do so by clicking Filter by feature.
For example, if you select direct_access the Console will only display the properties that have the direct_access feature:
To display all the properties, click Filter by Feature and clear all the checkboxes.
Updated about 3 years ago