Legacy table visualization
This article applies to the following Customer Insights roles: Developer
As you might have guessed, data is displayed in a table. Table visualizations are perhaps most useful when you need to present a large number of data points, and when the actual value of those data points is important (e.g., it’s not enough to know that the March registration numbers exceed the February numbers, you need to know how much those numbers changed.)
Tables are also good at reporting large quantities of data but are not as well-suited at reporting data trends: it can be difficult to look at a table of numbers of immediately grasp whether registrations have generally been increasing or decreasing.
In this article:
- Customizing the Visualization
- The Plot Tab
- The Series Tab
- The Formatting Tab
Customizing the visualization
To customize the table visualization (change colors, hide or show row numbers, change the column headers, etc.), click Edit to display the parameters menu:
Each of the tabs on this menu, and each configuration option found on those tabs, is detailed in the next few sections of this documentation.
The Plot tab
Configuration options for the entire visualization.
Table Theme
Enables you to change the color scheme applied to the visualization. For example, here’s a table that uses the Classic theme:
And here’s that same table with the Unstyled theme applied:
Allowed values are:
- Classic
- White
- Gray
- Transparent
- Unstyled
Show Row Numbers
When set to On, row numbers are included in the visualization:
When set to Off, rows numbers are not included:
Hide Totals
When set to Off, column totals are displayed in the visualization:
When set to On, column totals are not displayed:
This option applies only to tables that actually use column totals.
Hide Row Totals
When set to Off, row totals are displayed in the visualization:
When set to On, row totals are not displayed:
This option applies only to tables that use row totals.
Limit Displayed Rows
When set to On, enables you to show (or hide) a specific set of rows. When you set Limit Displayed Rows to On, you’ll see the following options:
The first list (Show) specifies whether you want to hide or to show the designated rows. If you choose the hide the rows, all the rows in the table except the selected rows will be displayed. If you choose to show the rows, only the selected rows will be displayed.
To specify the rows to be displayed, start by using the second list (First) to determine if you want to show or hide the First*X number of rows or the Last X* number of rows in the table. (You cannot show or hide rows found in middle of the table; for example, you can’t hide rows 25-to-50.) After making your selection then, in the Rows field, enter the number of rows to be displayed or hidden. In the example above, we’ve opted to show the first 3 rows in the table. If the original visualization looked like this:
The modified visualization looks like this:
The Series tab
Configuration options for individual data series.
Truncate Column Names
When set to On, column names too long for the column are truncated; truncation is indicated by the use of an ellipsis (…). For example:
If truncation is set to Off, long column names are wrapped as needed:
Show Full Field Name
When set to On, the complete field name (including the name of the Explore) is displayed in the column header:
When set to Off, only the field name is displayed:
Assigns a custom label to table columns. By default, each column is labeled using the field name:
You can change this by expanding the field name and then typing a different name in the Label field:
In turn, the column label in the visualization changes:
The Formatting tab
Applies conditional formatting to the visualization: individual table cells are colored based on their value (for example, high values are shown with a green background).
Enable Conditional Formatting
Applies color coding to table cells based on cell value. For example, the following table uses a sliding color scale, with red indicting low values, yellow indicating middle values, and green indicating high values:
When Enable Conditional Formatting is set to On, the following options are available to you:
Include Totals. When set to On, the selected color scheme is applied to row or column totals displayed in the table. When set to Off, totals are excluded from color coding.
Rules. Specifies the color scheme and how that scheme is applied to the table. Options include:
Format. Specifies the scale used for color coding. You can use a sliding scale (from low to high or from high to low), or apply the scheme to specific values (e.g., numbers greater than 100, or numbers between 1,000 and 5,000).
Palette. The actual color scheme to be applied. You can select one of the predesigned color schemes or design a scheme of your own. To design your color scheme, select a predesigned scheme and then click the individual color points to change the color:
Apply To. You can apply the color scheme to all the numeric values in the table, or only to specific fields. For example, in this table, the color scheme is only applied to the Count field:
Updated almost 3 years ago