Know your way around
Check where you can find various property options and details.
Property groups page
When you launch Property Manager from the Akamai Control Center's menu, you land on a page listing a hierarchy of groups set up in Identity and Access Manager and the properties created within them.
In the Properties tab, the main table shows individual properties and their basic details. You can check:
the product, whether a property was created in Property Manager or the obsolete Configuration Manager, and the contract it belongs to - all by hovering over a property name.
whether any property versions have been activated on staging or production networks.
the hostnames associated with a property version or a hostname bucket that's assigned directly to a property rather than a specific version, both on staging or production networks.
From the Actions column, you can clone or delete a property.
To get more details on a particular property or edit it, click the property name.
Includes tab
From the groups page you can navigate to the Includes tab that shows individual includes and their basic details. You can check:
the product and the contract an include belongs to - all by hovering over an include name.
the include type.
whether any include versions have been activated on staging or production networks.
the parent properties that reference the include.
From the Actions column, you can clone or delete an include.
To get more details on a particular include or edit it, click the include name.
Property details page
The property's details page is your control tower for managing hostname buckets and property versions. It gives an overview of the active staging and production property versions, currently used products, rule formats, hostnames, and CP codes. You can also check the history of property versions and activations.
There are plenty of operations you can initiate for a property version from the settings menu in the Actions column:
View & Review. See all the details for a selected version in an easy to read mode.
Test. Run a test in Akamai's Test Center tool and check the effect of your property configuration.
Edit new version. Select a baseline for a new version and implement necessary changes in the editor.
Activate/Deactivate. Coordinate whether a selected version is deployed on the on the Edge Staging Network (ESN) so that you can check the configuration against your origin or the Production network so that it's accessible by your customers. Clicking this directs you to the Activate tab.
Compare. Compare configuration details of two selected versions in a standard view or in XML.
View/Download XML. When a property version is activated on the staging or production network, you can view and download the configuration settings in an XML format.
Push to Sandbox. Test your changes locally using Akamai's Sandbox utility before deploying them to the content delivery network.
Hide. Keep a version from showing on the Version History list.
You can launch additional actions from the settings menu in the top right corner of the page:
Schedule an event. Configure an event, a report, or an alert for your property in Event Center.
Open a support case. Manage support requests to resolve issues with your properties in Case Management application.
Include details page
The includes's details page is your control tower for managing include versions. It gives an overview of the active staging and production include versions, specifies used products, rule formats, CP codes, include type, and parent properties that reference the include in their rule trees. You can also check the history of property versions and activations.
There are plenty of operations you can initiate for an include version from the settings menu in the Actions column:
View & Review. See all the details for a selected version in an easy to read mode.
Test. Run a test in Akamai's Test Center tool and check the effect of your include configuration.
Edit new version. Select a baseline for a new version and implement necessary changes in the editor.
Activate/Deactivate. Coordinate whether a selected version is deployed on the on the Edge Staging Network (ESN) so that you can check the configuration against your origin or the Production network so that it's accessible by your customers. Clicking this directs you to the Activate tab.
Compare. Compare configuration details of two selected versions in a standard view or in XML.
View/Download XML. When a property version is activated on the staging or production network, you can view and download the configuration settings in an XML format.
Push to Sandbox. Test your changes locally using Akamai's Sandbox utility before deploying them to the content delivery network.
Hide. Keep a version from showing on the Version History list.
You can launch additional actions from the settings menu in the top right corner of the page:
Schedule an event. Configure an event, a report, or an alert for your include in Event Center.
Open a support case. Manage support requests to resolve issues with your includes in Case Management application.
Editor view
Once you click the property or include version, you land on an Edit tab. If the version hasn't been activated, you can edit its details. If the version is currently active or has been deactivated on either network, the view is read-only and you need to create a new version to make any changes.
In the Activate tab, you can review and activate property or include versions on staging and production networks, compare the activated versions, and view the detailed activation history.
Updated over 2 years ago