Manage rules

Use Property Manager to quickly rename, delete, duplicate, or save rules as a template.

How to

  1. In the Property Manager Editor, in the Configuration Settings panel, select the rule you want to manage.


    Depending on your contract and product, you cannot remove or edit some of the mandatory rules already contained in the default rule.

  2. Click the gear icon next to your rule. Perform one of the following:

Edit rule name
  1. Click Edit Name.

  2. Enter the name for your rule.

  3. Click anywhere outside the text field.

    The rule name has been changed.

Delete rule
  1. Click Delete.

  2. In the pop-up window, click Yes to delete the rule with all its associated behavior settings.

Save rule as user template
  1. Click Save As User Template.

  2. Fill in the text fields (tags are optional).

  3. Click Save.

Your rule has been saved locally as a template on your account.

Duplicate rule

Click Duplicate.

Your rule and all associated behaviors have been cloned below the original rule.

View rule JSON code.

Click View JSON.

The JSON representation of the entire property version's rule tree appears. You can use this JSON to make updates through Property Manager API (PAPI).

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Next steps

Rule templates are saved locally on your account, but you can send them by e-mail to the Property Manager team for review. Selected templates later appear in the User Templates category, available for all users.