Content Characteristics - Streaming Video On-demand
With this behavior enabled, you can set various optimizations for the delivery of on demand video for your Akamai Cloud Embed (ACE) CDN customers.
You can use this behavior only in base configurations for the Akamai Cloud Embed (ACE) product.
Before you begin
To include the Content Characteristics - Streaming Video On-demand behavior, you need to enable the Streaming Video On-demand Delivery option in the Subcustomer Enablement behavior for an ACE base configuration. Also, you must add the Content Characteristics - Streaming Video On-demand behavior to the same rule that contains the Sub-Customer Enablement behavior, in which you've enabled the Streaming Video On-demand Delivery option.
Features and options
Use the settings of this behavior to optimize video on-demand streaming for all subcustomers registered with this ACE base configuration.
You can override any of the settings on a per-subcustomer basis by generating a policy for that subcustomer using the ACE API, and defining settings via the content-characteristics
If a media format—Enable HLS, Enable DASH, etc.—is set to Off in this behavior, it's disabled for all subcustomers registered with this base configuration. (You cannot configure settings for it via a subcustomer policy with the ACE API.
Streaming video support for ACE, including the use of this behavior, and the generation of individual subcustomer policies to configure it, is described in detail in the ACE documentation.
Updated about 3 years ago