Diagnostic Data Beacons

This behavior triggers diagnostic data beacons for use with Broadcast Operations Support System (BOSS), ​Akamai​’s monitoring and diagnostics system.

Features and options

FieldWhat it doesSub-options
Enable diagnostic data beaconsEnables or disables the behavior.
Content Provider CodesEnter the space-separated list of Content Provider (CP) codes that trigger the beacons. You need to specify the same set of CP codes within BOSS.
Request TypeSpecifies which requests trigger a beacon.
  • Edge only
  • Edge & Midgress

Forward TypeSpecifies which types of forwards trigger beacons.
  • Midgress only
  • Origin only
  • Midgress & Origin
Sampling FrequencySpecifies the frequency at which requests and forwards are sampled. Setting this value to 0 disables beacons altogether.
Conditional Feed Sampling FrequencySpecifies the frequency at which conditional feed requests and forwards are sampled. Setting this value to 0 disables beacons altogether.
Conditional Feed HTTP StatusSpecifies the set of response status codes or ranges that trigger the beacon.
  • 0xx
  • 302
  • 304
  • 3xx
  • 401
  • 403
  • 404
  • 408
  • 4xx
  • 500
  • 503
  • 5xx
  • 6xx
Conditional Feed Error PatternA space-separated list of error patterns that trigger beacons to conditional feeds. Each pattern can include wildcards, such as *CONNECT* *DENIED*.