Adaptive Acceleration

Adaptive Acceleration improves HTML page load performance by prepositioning content. When it receives an HTML page request, this behavior augments the response using unintrusive techniques to provide content to the browser as needed. This reduces the load and render time for web pages based on information from navigation and resource timing data.

How it works

Adaptive Acceleration uses the following to increase the speed of page loading:

  • Automatic Server Push. Allows the server to send multiple responses, in parallel, for a single client request. An average web page requires multiple items, such as JavaScript, CSS, and images. References to these items are in the HTML pages the server produces. With Automatic Server Push the server can send the most important items immediately.

  • Automatic Preconnect. Allows browsers to anticipate what connections the site needs and establishes those connections ahead of time, but it does not load or request anything. Requires a beacon data source.

  • Automatic Font Preload. Allows browsers to preload the fonts it will need before it fetches and processes other resources.

  • Resource Optimizer. Compresses and caches resources, such as JavaScript, CSS, and font files. You can then serve the resources you want when you want them.

  • Brotli Compression. Automates compression and delivery of resources within the Akamai CDN. It takes resources or gzip resources from your origin, applies Brotli compression, and then caches and delivers the compressed resources to requesting browsers. See details.

Resource Optimizer Extended Compatibility


The new Brotli Compression feature will soon replace the Resource Optimizer feature. Consider migrating today. Learn more about using Brotli Compression.

This is an additional behavior you can add to your Ion property. It enhances the standard Resource Optimizer feature, to support the compression of additional file formats and offer other functionality.

It's only available in special circumstances. Talk to your ​Akamai​ account team for more details.

Set up Adaptive Acceleration

Adaptive Acceleration is supported for use with ​Akamai​'s Ion product. It requires that you include a few other behaviors in your Ion property, too. We offer a workflow that describes the full process to add it in the Ion user docs.