Add rules
Combine matches with behaviors, nest rules in each other and build rule trees to ensure that the Akamai network handles and serves your content according to your needs. Behaviors execute when a request to your property meets the match criteria.
Before you begin
Make sure you have access to the Akamai Control Center with the correct roles and permissions to create rules.
Make sure that you created your Akamai edge hostname and associated it with the property hostname.
Before you add your own rules, review a top-level default rule. Behaviors in the default rule depend on your contract and product choice.
How to
Go to ☰ > CDN > Properties.
On the Property Groups page, click on the property you want to add rules to. On the Property Details page, either select a non-active property version you want to edit or create a new property version.
In the Property Manager Editor, in the Property Configuration Settings panel, perform one of the following:
Task | Steps |
Add a high-level rule |
Nest a rule in an existing rule |
Add a child rule to the tree |
Select a rule template from the drop-down list or choose a blank rule template.
In most cases, rule order and logic allows you to nest custom rules and rule templates in the default rule only. You can add some rule templates, such as Advanced Override or Custom Override, outside the default rule.
Optional: in the text field, name the blank rule.
Click Insert Rule.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Use drag and drop feature to manage the order and rule tree structure. Save the changes.
Next steps
You can set individual matches and feature behaviors.
At any point of your property configuration, you might want to see a complete overview of rules, matches, and behaviors associated with your property. For this, go to the Configuration Settings panel and click the Review tab.
Updated about 2 years ago