Content Targeting (EdgeScape)
Akamai EdgeScape data can give you details on the requesting user's geographic location, network, connection speed, and other data.
How it works
The edge server sends the information to your origin in the X-Akamai-Edgescape
request header, and you can use it to determine the content to return. You can choose to send the basic data set or all available EdgeScape data, including throughput and more exact location data.
An example header might look like this:
X-Akamai-Edgescape: georegion=1,country_code=reserved,region_code=reserved,city=reserved,dma=reserved,pmsa=reserved,msa=reserved,
In the example above, most of the values have been obscured. If the value shown in the sample EdgeScape header above doesn't appear in a request to your origin, the value is empty for that request.
You can use the Verify and Locate IP tool in Edge Diagnostics to verify the EdgeScape values of a given IP. To access this tool, you need active credentials for Control Center.
This behavior doesn’t include any options. Specifying the behavior itself enables it.
Updated 8 months ago