Cookie Authorization

With the Cookie Authorization behavior enabled, the edge server can authenticate a cookie and authorize the client request without the need to contact the origin server. This cookie may be set by the origin for authenticated users, for which you provide a key that ​Akamai​ can use to authenticate the client request.

How it works

The ​Akamai​ server looks for the cookie in the client request, and compares the request to the value of the cookie, which contains information about which content the client is authorized to receive. The cookies must include a valid authentication token to ensure that end-users cannot modify the cookie values to provide authorizations to which they aren't entitled.

Features and options

FieldWhat it does
Cookie nameThe name of the cookie ​Akamai​ looks for in the request.
KeyAt least 10 character long key that ​Akamai​ can use to authenticate the request.
Akamai-Origin Authentication CookieThe cookie that the ​Akamai​ server uses to authenticate itself with the origin. This can be a simple name value pair, such as akamai=true.