Large File Optimization Advanced

This works in conjunction with the Large File Optimization (LFO) behavior which improves performance and reliability when delivering large files. LFO is required for objects larger than 1.8 GB and recommended for anything over 100 MB.

This advanced instance of the the behavior provides additional HTTP/2 options that aren't available with standard LFO.


This isn't a self-serviceable behavior

You'll need to work with your ​Akamai​ account team to have it added or modified.

Features and options

FieldWhat it does
Enable Enables or disables this behavior.
POC Object size Specifies the size of the file at which point to apply partial object (POC) caching. Append a numeric value with a MB or GB suffix.
POC Fragment size Specifies the size of each fragment used for partial object caching.
POC Fragments to Prefetch during request The number of POC fragments to prefetch during the request.
POC Fragments to Prefetch after request The number of POC fragments to prefetch after the request.