IP Sharing and failover in Distributed Compute Regions


This topic is specific to distributed compute regions. If you are looking to configure failover on a Compute Instance deployed to a core compute region, see Configure failover on a Compute Instance.

IP Sharing is a feature that enables two Compute Instances to be assigned the same IP address for the purpose of configuring failover. Within a typical failover setup, traffic on the shared IP address is routed to the primary Compute Instance. In the event that Compute Instance fails or goes down, traffic is automatically re-routed to the secondary Compute Instance. While IP Sharing can be configured in Cloud Manager, failover must be manually configured within the internal system of both Compute Instances.

To learn how to enable IP Sharing, see Configuring IP Sharing.

To learn more about failover and how to configure it on a Compute Instance, see Configure failover on a Compute Instance.

The following table contains the data center IDs you'll need to enable IP Sharing for Compute Instances in distributed compute regions.

Data centerRegionID
Auckland (New Zealand)nz-akl-132
Bogotá (Colombia)co-bog-140
Denver, CO (USA)us-den-134
Hamburg (Germany)de-ham-135
Houston, TX (USA)us-hou-142
Johannesburg (South Africa)za-jnb-137
Marseille (France)fr-mrs-136
Querétaro (Mexico)mx-qro-141
Santiago (Chile)cl-scl-143