Add a promo code
A promo code adds a positive credit to your account, allowing you to pay for services using that credit. You can add a promo code when signing up for an account. If you already signed up, but haven't entered a promo code, you may be able to do so from Cloud Manager. To add a promo code to an existing account, certain conditions must be met:
- The account needs to be less than 90 days old.
- There can't be a negative balance on the account.
- No other promo codes can already be applied to the account.
- The user that's logged in needs to have unrestricted permissions.
If you meet all of these conditions, you can add a promo code:
Log in to Cloud Manager on a user account with one of the following permissions. See Setting User Permissions for more details.
Full account access. The account has unlimited access.
Restricted user with Read-Write permissions under Billing Access. Users with Read Only permissions can see most billing information, but they can't make changes.
Select Account from the left navigation menu. The view defaults to the Billing Info tab in the Accounts tool.
Under the Account Balance section, click Add a promo code. The Add promo code dialog box opens.
Enter the promo code and click Apply Promo Code.
You should now see the promotional credit amount reflected in your account balance.
Updated 4 months ago