Access the Metadata service API

In addition to being consumed by cloud-init, the Metadata service can also be accessed through an API. The API is available on industry standard link-local IP addresses ( and fd00:a9fe:a9fe::1) and returns only instance data and user data for that Compute Instance. For more details on using the API, see Use the Metadata service API.

  1. Log in to a Compute Instance that has been deployed in a supported data center using a supported distribution image.

  2. Generate your API token by running the command below:

    curl -X PUT -H "Metadata-Token-Expiry-Seconds: 3600"

    Instead of receiving the token as an output string, you can save it directly to the $TOKEN environmental variable:

    export TOKEN=$(curl -X PUT -H "Metadata-Token-Expiry-Seconds: 3600"
  3. Query one of the following API endpoints to receive data from the API. If you did not save the API token to the $TOKEN variable, replace $TOKEN in the commands below with your token.

    • /v1/instance: Output information about your Compute Instance, including plan resources.

      curl -H "Metadata-Token: $TOKEN"
    • /v1/network: Output information about your Compute Instance's IP addresses.

      curl -H "Metadata-Token: $TOKEN"
    • /v1/user-data: Output your user data.

      curl -H "Metadata-Token: $TOKEN" | base64 --decode