CLI commands for Object Storage
Basic commands
List the current Object Storage clusters available to you:
linode-cli object-storage clusters-list
Manage access keys
List all access keys on the account:
linode-cli object-storage keys-list
Create a new access key with the label example-label:
linode-cli object-storage keys-create --label "example-label"
Update the label of an access key, replacing [id] with the ID of the access key you wish to update:
linode-cli object-storage keys-update --keyId [id] --label "new-label"
Revoke an access key, replacing [id] with the ID of the access key you wish to revoke:
linode-cli object-storage keys-delete [id]
TLS/SSL certificates
Upload a TLS/SSL certificate:
linode-cli object-storage ssl-upload us-east-1 example-bucket --certificate "my-full-certificate" --private_key "my-full-private-key"
View an Active TLS/SSL certificate:
linode-cli object-storage ssl-view us-east-1 example-bucket
Delete an Active TLS/SSL certificate:
linode-cli object-storage ssl-delete us-east-1 example-bucket
Cancel Object Storage
Cancel Object Storage on your account:
All buckets on the account need to be empty before Object Storage can be cancelled.
linode-cli object-storage cancel
Updated 8 months ago