Create a VPC
This guide walks you through creating a VPC through Cloud Manager, Linode CLI, and Linode API.
Get started
Open the Create Form in Cloud Manager or start entering your Linode CLI or Linode API command.
Cloud Manager:
Log in to Cloud Manager, click the Create dropdown menu on the top bar, and select VPC. This opens the Create VPC form.
Linode CLI:
Within your terminal, paste the command provided below. If you do not have the Linode CLI, review the Install and configure the CLI guide. Before submitting the request, read through the rest of this document.
linode-cli vpcs create \ --description "An optional description" \ --label vpc-example \ --region us-east \ --subnets.label subnet-example \ --subnets.ipv4
Linode API:
Within your terminal, enter the API curl request below. Make sure to properly paste in or reference your API token. For a complete API reference, see the VPC API endpoints documentation. Before submitting the request, read through the rest of this document.
curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST -d '{ "description": "An optional description", "label": "vpc-example", "region": "us-east", "subnets": [ { "label": "subnet-example", "ipv4": "" } ] }'
Set the basic parameters
Select the region and enter a label and description for the VPC.
Region: Select the data center where the VPC should be deployed. Since VPCs do not span multiple data centers, only services within the selected data center can join the VPC. For a list of regions that support VPCs, review VPCs > Availability.
Label: Enter an alphanumeric string (containing only letters, numbers, and hyphens) to identify the VPC. A good label should provide some indication as to the purpose or intended use of the VPC.
Description: Adding tags gives you the ability to categorize your Linode services however you wish. If you're a web development agency, you could add a tag for each client you have. You could also add tags for which services are for development, staging, or production.
Define subnets
Subnets partition out the VPC into smaller networks, allowing groups of related systems to be separated from other functions of your applications or workloads. At least one subnet is required, though up to 10 can be created for each VPC.
Subnet Label: Enter an alphanumeric string (containing only letters, numbers, and hyphens) to identify the subnet. It should be unique among other subnets in the same VPC and should provide an indication as to its intended usage.
Subnet IP Address Range: VPC subnet ranges must be in the RFC1918 IPv4 address space designated for private networks. That said, it cannot overlap with the
range set aside for Private IP addresses on Compute Instances.
Follow the instructions below to create multiple subnets. You are also able to add, edit, and remove subnets from the VPC after it has been created.
Cloud Manager:
For each additional subnet you wish to create, press the Add Another Subnet button within the Subnets section. This adds another set of subnet fields to the form.
Linode CLI:
... --subnets.label backend-example-subnet \ --subnets.ipv4 \ --subnets.label frontend-example-subnet \ --subnets.ipv4 ...
Linode API:
... "subnets": [ { "label": "backend-example-subnet", "ipv4": "" }, { "label": "frontend-example-subnet", "ipv4": "" } ] ...
Deploy the VPC
Once all fields have been entered, you can click the Create VPC button in Cloud Manager or run the Linode CLI or Linode API command. If you are using Cloud Manager, you are taken to the VPC's details page where you can view and edit the VPC and its subnets.
Next steps
Once the VPC has been created, the next step is to start adding services to it. Currently, only Compute Instances can be added to the VPC.
- Add an Existing Compute Instance to the VPC: Review the Assign existing Compute Instance to a VPC subnet guide.
- Add a new Compute Instance to the VPC: To add a new Compute Instance, follow the Create a Compute Instance workflow and complete the VPC section.
Updated 5 months ago