Containerized EAA connector

Enterprise Application Access (EAA) Connector package is available as a Docker container.

EAA Connector Docker package can be deployed next to applications hosted in any platforms such as Akamai Cloud Compute (formerly Linode), Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Alibaba, and others. The Docker package supports both browser-based and client-based applications.

Zero Trust IT administrators can benefit from the Docker package flexibility by adding the EAA Connector into their security pipelines, embed it in their preferred operating system with their own Kernel, or external security tools like CrowdStrike. EAA Connector can then be considered an application.


  • Runs on every cloud & on-premise platform supporting Linux-based operating system
  • Support of many different Linux operating systems through the Docker abstraction layer
  • Automated/Scripted connector installation
  • Container image can go through security scanners
  • Can run the additional “sidecar” security tools next to the connector(s)
  • Persistent “Connector data” are stored in a separate volume
  • Enhanced troubleshooting: network packet capture etc…

Which package should you use?

The administrator can use decide based on many criteria like thier target environments, security requirements, lifecycle model, and automation needs.

Every company has its preferred infrastructure vendors and solutions. Containers are a very popular technology among DevOps and SecDevOps. They are portable, re-usable, and secure. Akamai is committed to supporting both types of packages.

Virtual Appliance (VM)Container
Target EnvironmentsVMWare, Amazon AWS EC2/VPS, Microsoft Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure, Google GCEAny Linux-based operating system.
SecuritySealed application, no root access, Kernel provided by Akamai. Customer-managed Security Update and Akamai-managed release upgrade.Customer responsible for the Docker Host including custom Kernel. Customer deployment pipelines can use security scanners. Container Host can run 3rd party security tools like CrowdStrike.
LifecycleVirtual Appliance can be self-upgraded to get new features.Recommended approach is to drop the old Connector container and start a new one based on the latest image. Self-upgrade model is also supported.
AutomationDependent on the target platform.Installation can be fully automated with Akamai {OPEN} API, and portable across many platforms. See full working example, eaa-k8s-connector on GitHub.

Installation and Configuration

On any “Enterprise ready” Linux OS, get your first EAA Connector as container. Check out, Install a Docker based Connector

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