Review Device Posture dashboard
The Device Posture dashboard gives you an overview of the devices in your environment.
Cards included in the dashboard let you:
See the total number of devices and the distribution across the low, medium, and high risk tiers.
See how many devices are in each risk tag.
Check to device activity.
Review collected signals, and click into the charts for additional details.
The Device Posture dashboard displays a summary of data gathered from all devices where the EAA Client has been properly installed and successfully authenticated to the EAA Cloud.
If you were using an EAA Client version 2.0.x, and when the EAA Client is upgraded to 2.1.0 or later, devices will be associated with a new device ID (
). The Device Posture dashboard which includes the old device ID (akamai-device-id
) resulting in inaccurate statistics until the old device ID is purged after 30 days. Other information such as username or device name can be used to correlate devices if necessary.
See Device ID (akamai-device-id) updates with EAA Client installation and upgrades.
In the Enterprise Center navigation menu, select Dashboard.
In the provided menu, select Device Posture.
The Device Posture Dashboard displays information in the following cards:
Tiers. This card displays the number of low, medium, and high risk devices. See Define device risk tiers for more information.
Tags. This card displays the defined device risk tags and the number of devices matching each tag. See Define device risk tags for more information.
Device Activity. This card lets you compare the number of devices that actively send device posture signals (they are marked in green) to the total number of devices known to the EAA in a given time. You can also scroll over the data to see hourly results within a date.
Installed Browsers. This card lets you see the number of browsers and their types installed on enterprise devices. For more information, see Define versions.
Users can install multiple browsers on their machines, so, in corresponding reports, you can come across the same device more than once.
Operating Systems. This card lets you see the number, type and status of operating systems running on enterprise devices. See Define versions.
Device Signals. This card displays the number of devices that send signals such as disk encryption, biometrics, firewall, or anti-malware status.
You can hover your mouse over and click elements in each card to go to the Device Posture inventory report presenting filtered results for the selected criterion.
Updated about 3 years ago