Monitor Device Posture reports
You can grant a user a report administrator role that has permissions to run, save and download device posture reports. This role also has read access to connectors, directories, identity providers, and applications. You can also create a custom administrator role to manage the administration tasks for multiple resources using role-based access control in Akamai Control Center.
With reports, you can see detailed data of devices that attempt to access protected resources. With Device Posture reports you can analyze the security posture of enterprise devices by:
Monitoring current data for enterprise devices, see Create a device inventory report.
Browsing and analyzing historical data for enterprise devices, see Create a signal history report.
Troubleshooting access denials to enterprise applications. Instead of checking users' computers, you can consult Device Posture reports to find out if the ACL rules have been applied to block access to corporate applications. See Create a Device Posture blocked report and Create an application access denial report.
If you’re using EAA Client 1.x.x, please refer to release note, Oct 15, 2020 — Enterprise Application Access, EAA Client for the upgrade to EAA Client 2.1.0 or later version and impact on
, device posture inventory and history reports.
Updated almost 3 years ago