EAA Client run and installation logs

EAA Client run logs

When EAA Client runs on the end-users machine, it produces logs. The location of the logs differs based on
whether it is a Windows or Mac system.

  • Windows computer locations:
C:\Program Files\EAAClient\log\eaaclient.log

C:\Program Files\EAAClient\log\stdout.txt

C:\Program Files\EAAClient\log\stderr.txt

  • macOS computer locations:



$HOME/Library/Application Support/EAAClient/logs/activity.log

You can also save and send logs.

  • Ubuntu desktop locations:




EAA Client installation logs

When EAA Client installs on the end-users machine, it produces logs. The location of the logs differs based
on whether it is a Windows or Mac system, and whether it was user-installed or installed by an automated
tool like SCCM.

EAA Client installation logs

  • Windows computer locations:

To find the temp folder on a Windows machine, type %temp% in the Run window and click OK.

EAA Client install logs

The Temp folder automatically opens on the laptop.



If an automated tool like System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) was
used for the installation, the bitrock_installer.txt file may be located in
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp\bitrock_installer* But if
EAA Client was installed by the user, then it might be in C:\Windows\temp directory.

Collect all the files that start with the names bitrock_installer, EAA, eaa*

  • macOS computer locations:


