EAA Client can be installed on an Ubuntu Desktop machine running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Long Term Support) or 22.04 LTS version.
This guide contains information and procedures for installing, configuring, and running EAA Client on Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 platform. It has the same contextual menu and icons, and network types as the EAA Client for Windows and Mac machines, giving you the same look and feel. You can perform all the basic operations and use the advanced features like enabling captive portal, enable-on-premises network, access DNS applications, set up services and DNS exceptions. The Ubuntu version of EAA Client also works with third party identity providers and you can switch between different identity providers. You can also generate EAA Client reports if you have EAA reports administrator role.
If you are using device posture with EAA Client for Ubuntu desktop, also see limitations for device posture support.
To use the EAA Client for Ubuntu desktop, make sure your environment and network satisfy all of the EAA Client requirements.
Updated almost 3 years ago