Customize the download URL for EAA Client

Customize the download URL for EAA Client

You can customize the download URL for the EAA Client in the user portal to enable validation, and also control the release of the Enterprise Application Access software version. If you do not specify any URL, the default is the ​Akamai​ download location.

You might want to control the version of the Enterprise Application Access software that's distributed to the users, or they might want to test the new version before rolling it into their production environment. You can download the Enterprise Application Access software package on a separate web server and use a customizable download URL location to point to the web server. You can provide this URL to your organization. Employees download the version of the Enterprise Application Access software that you tested and qualified, rather than the latest version of Enterprise Application Access software available on the default ​Akamai​ download location.

  1. Download the EAA Client binaries and upload them to your web server.

  2. Update Enterprise Center with the custom download URL.

Download the EAA Client binaries and upload to your web server

  1. Download the latest version of the EAA Client installation binaries.<version_number><version_number>-osx-installer.dmg<version_number>-x64-windows-installer.exe<version_number>-x86-windows-installer.exe

<version_number> is a string representing the version of the file. With EAA Client 2.4.0, the <version_number> string is composed of Major, Minor, and Patch elements only. If the executable is, for example, EAAClient-9.9.9-windows-installer.exe, the version number is 9.9.9 where Major = 9, Minor = 9, and Patch = 9. In versions earlier to EAA Client 2.4.0, the <version_number> string is composed of Major, Minor, Patch, and Build_number elements. If the executable is, for example, EAAClient-, the version number is where Major = 9, Minor = 9, Patch = 9, and Build_number=99999999.

  1. Create a folder on your local web server. For example, create a eaaclient_distribution folder:
  1. Upload the EAA Client installation packages to the folder.

  2. Create a symbolic link to point to the latest EAA Client packages to EAAClient-i386.exe, EAAClient-x64.exe, and EAAClient.dmg. Use the ln command:

ln -s EAAClient-<version_number>-x86-windows-installer.exe EAAClient-i386.exe

ln -s EAAClient-<version_number>-x64-windows-installer.exe EAAClient-x64.exe

ln -s EAAClient-<version_number>-osx-installer.dmg EAAClient.dmg

For future releases, upload the new release packages to the same folder. Update the symbolic links to EAAClient-i386.exe, EAAClient-x64.exe, and EAAClient.dmg, when you want to distribute to users of your organization.

Update EAA in Enterprise Center with custom download URL

Update Enterprise Application Access with the custom download URL for your organization.

  1. Log in to Enterprise Center.

  2. In the Enterprise Center navigation menu, select Application Access > Identity & Users > Identity Providers.

  3. Click the identity provider to open it.

  4. Click the Login Portal tab.

  5. In URLs > EAA Client download URL enter the directory URL where the files are located. For example

  6. Click Save.

  7. Deploy the identity provider.