Manage security events
The Akamai SIEM API provides a mechanism to retrieve security events that can be injected into a data visualization or alerting platform.
Working with the SIEM API requires that your access role is Manage-Siem
and your API access level is read/write. Work with your account administrator to set up your credentials.
Polling Data
You can get SIEM data using an offset of the last pull you did or over a date range. Both ways accept a limit and allow you to URL and base-64 decode the returned data.
You must use one of date or offset.
. The ID of your security configuration. This is found through the UI in your security config, either under Advanced/Data Collection for SIEM or in the address bar of your browser. You can also use the PowerShell commandGet-AppSecConfiguration -ConfigName MyConfig
if you have access to the Application Security API. -
. Used to represent the date range bounds. Dates are in UNIX epoch format. You can get the date with an online converter or convert directly in your shell.# Preset date $Date = Get-Date # Past date $ThePast = (Get-Date).AddHours(-2) # Conversion $EpochTime = [Math]::Floor([decimal](Get-Date($Date).ToUniversalTime()-uformat "%s"))
. A tokenized value representing your last data pull. The token can be found in the response from your last pull atResponseContext.Offset
These parameters manipulate the response data.
. Defines the approximate maximum number of security events each fetch returns. The default limit is10000
and the maximum limit available is600000
. Decodes the base-64 encoded response returned from the call.
Get data
Use the Get-SIEMData
command to poll SIEM data.
# Get decoded data over a date range
Get-SIEMData -ConfigID 12345 -From 1674086045 -To 1674087625 -Decode
# Get decoded data since the last pull
Get-SIEMData -ConfigID 12345 -Offset exoffset10aa6928e57cd5a3000433b9 -Decode
type : akamai_siem
format : json
version : 1.0
attackData : @{configId=12345; policyId=pol1_12345; clientIP=123.45.678.910; rules=1234567;; ruleVersions=1;; ruleMessages=Unknown Bots (HTTP Libraries);;
ruleTags=AKAMAI/BOT/UNKNOWN_BOT;; ruleData=curl_A109B345C765ABC8D7E2F1A2BC2D9EAB;; ruleSelectors=; ruleActions=monitor;}
httpMessage : @{requestId=1a12345; start=1674086564; protocol=HTTP/1.1; method=HEAD;; port=80; path=/; requestHeaders=System.Object[];
status=403; bytes=0; responseHeaders=System.Object[]}
geo : @{continent=OC; country=AU; city=SYDNEY; regionCode=NSW; asn=14061}
Parse data
Set your pull to a variable to use the data.
$Data = Get-SIEMData -ConfigID 12345 -From 1674086045 -To 1674087625 -Decode
$Data.Events | foreach {
# Process events here
Updated 4 months ago