Manage site traffic
Organize your site's traffic to manage billing, analytics, and reports using CP codes and reporting groups.
- CP codes function as an ID representing a particular set or subset of your traffic depending on how narrow a focus you assign to them.
- Reporting groups work to organize your CP codes into meaningful groups that can streamline billing services or customize the information gathered about your traffic.
There are two submodules used in this workflow.
- Property to get your contract's product IDs and create new CP codes.
- CP Codes to manage your CP codes and reporting groups.
Get CP codes
Get a list of all of your CP codes. The response provides values for your contract, group, and product IDs along with the CP codes names and IDs.
Use a specific CP code ID to set its details to a variable you can use downstream.
cpcodeId : 12345
cpcodeName : My-CP-code
purgeable : True
accountId : A-CCT1234
defaultTimezone :
overrideTimezone : @{timezoneId=0; timezoneValue=GMT 0 (Greenwich Mean Time)}
type : Regular
contracts : {@{contractId=C-0N7RAC7; status=ongoing}}
products : {@{productId=Site_Del::Site_Del; productName=Site Delivery}}
accessGroup : @{groupId=12345; contractId=C-0N7RAC7}
cpcodeId : 56789
cpcodeName : My-CP-code-2
purgeable : True
accountId : A-CCT1234
defaultTimezone :
overrideTimezone : @{timezoneId=0; timezoneValue=GMT 0 (Greenwich Mean Time)}
type : Regular
contracts : {@{contractId=C-0N7RAC7; status=ongoing}}
products : {@{productId=NetStorage::NetStorage; productName=NetStorage}}
accessGroup : @{groupId=12345; contractId=C-0N7RAC7}
$MyCPCode = Get-CPCode -CPCodeID 12345
Update CP codes
You can make changes to your CP code's name, time zone, and purge settings.
The update CP code cmdlet uses the -Body
Property | Required | Description |
cpcodeName | ✔️ | Your CP code name. |
overrideTimezone | ✔️ | Used for legacy reports. Overrides the time zone assigned to your CP code with the GMT offset. Contains:
accessGroup | A group that controls access to specific CP codes. Contains:
| |
purgeable | Whether you can purge cached content by the CP code. | |
type | Whether the CP code supports serving traffic from China. Value is one of:
Pass all required and any updatable parameters as a variable or JSON string as its value.
$body = @{ cpcodeName = "My-CP-code" overrideTimezone = @{timezoneId=0} type = "China" } Set-CPCode -CPCodeID 12345 -Body $body
Set-CPCode -CPCodeID 12345 -Body '{@{"cpcodeName": "My-CP-code","overrideTimezone": {"timezoneId": 0},"type": "China"}'
To apply your changes on the network, you need to version and activate your property configuration.
Updated 3 months ago