Data set fields represent the types of data collected and returned in your log files.

For your data stream settings, in the request body, specify a data set field and add their IDs as a list of the datasetFieldId objects within the datasetFields argument. The order in which you place these determines the order in which they appear in log files.

For fields that require additional behaviors, wait to adjust your property configuration until after data stream creation.
  "datasetFields": [
      "datasetFieldId": 1000
      "datasetFieldId": 1002
      "datasetFieldId": 1023

Log information

ID Field name Description
999 Stream ID The ID for the stream that logged the request data. You can log this field to troubleshoot and group logs between different streams.
1000 CP code The CP code associated with the request.
1002 Request ID The request ID.
1100 Request time The time when the edge server accepted the request from the client.
2024 Edge attempts The number of attempts to download the content from the edge in a specific time interval. Value based on the number of total manifest requests received.

Message exchange data

ID Field name Description
1005 Bytes The content bytes served in the response body. For HTTP/2, this includes overhead bytes.
1006 Client IP The requesting client's IPv4 or IPv6 address.
1008 HTTP status code The returned HTTP response code.
1009 Protocol type The request-response scheme, either HTTP or HTTPS.
1011 Request host The value of the host in the request header.
1012 Request method A request's HTTP method.
1013 Request path The path to a resource in the request, excluding query parameters.
1014 Request port The client TCP port number of the requested service.
1015 Response Content-Length The size of the entity-body in bytes returned to the client.
1016 Response Content-Type The type of the content returned to the client.
1017 User-Agent The URI-encoded user agent making the request.
2001 TLS overhead time The time in milliseconds between when the edge server accepts the connection and the completion of the SSL handshake.
2002 TLS version The protocol of the TLS handshake, either TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3.
2003 Object size The size of the object, excluding HTTP response headers.
2004 Uncompressed size The size of the uncompressed object if zipped before sending to the client.
2006 Overhead bytes TCP overhead in bytes for the request and response.
2008 Total bytes The total bytes served in the response, including content and HTTP overhead.
2009 Query string The query string in the incoming URL from the client. To monitor this parameter in your logs, you need to update your property configuration to set the cache key query parameters behavior to include all parameters.
2023 File size bucket Groups of response content sorted into different buckets by size in kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes.
2060 Brotli status This field reports the status when serving a Brotli-compressed object. This field is available only for Ion Standard, Ion Premier, and Ion Media Advanced products. For details, see Brotli status.
2061 Origin Content-Length The compressible content-length object value, in bytes, in the response header from the origin. This field is only available for Ion Standard, Ion Premier, and Ion Media Advanced products.
2062 Download initiated The number of successful download initiations in a specific time interval.
2063 Download completed The number of successful downloads completed.

Request header data

ID Field name Description
1019 Accept-Language The list of languages acceptable in the response.
1023 Cookie A list of HTTP cookies previously sent by the server with the Set-Cookie header.
1031 Range The requested entity part returned.
1032 Referer The address of the resource that forwarded the request URL.
1037 X-Forwarded-For The originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer.
2005 Max-Age The time in seconds a response object is valid for positive cache responses.

Network performance data

ID Field name Description
1033 Request end time The time in milliseconds it takes the edge server to fully read the request.
1068 Error code A description detailing the issue with serving a request.
1102 Turn around time The time in milliseconds from when the edge server receives the last byte of the request to when it sends the first bytes of the response.
1103 Transfer time The time in milliseconds from when the edge server is ready to send the first byte of the response to when the last byte reaches the kernel.
2007 DNS lookup time The time in seconds between the start of the request and the completion of the DNS lookup, if one was required. For cached IP addresses, this value is zero.
2021 Last byte The last byte of the object that was served in a response. 0 indicates a part of a byte-range response. This field is available for all products supported by DataStream.
2022 Asnum The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the request's internet service provider.
2025 Time to first byte The time taken to download the first byte of the received content in milliseconds.
2026 Startup errors The number of download initiation failures in a specific time interval.
2027 Download time The time taken to download the object in milliseconds.
2028 Throughput The byte transfer rate for the selected time interval in kilobits per second.

Cache data

ID Field name Description
2010 Cache status Returns 0 if there was no object in the cache, and 1 if the object was present in the cache. In the event of negatively cached errors or stale content, the object is served from upstream even if cached.
2019 Cacheable Returns 1 if the object is cacheable based on response headers and metadata, and 0 if the object is not cacheable.
2020 Breadcrumbs Returns additional breadcrumbs data about the HTTP request-response cycle for improved visibility into the Akamai platform, such as the IP of the node or host, component, request end, turnaround, and DNS lookup time. This field is available only for Adaptive Media Delivery, Download Delivery, Object Delivery, Dynamic Site Accelerator, Ion Standard, Ion Premier, and API Acceleration products.

To log this parameter for Dynamic Site Accelerator, Ion Standard, and API Acceleration, you need to enable the breadcrumbs behavior in your stream's property configuration. For details, see Breadcrumbs.

Geo data

ID Field name Description
1066 Edge IP The IP address of the edge server that served the response to the client. This is useful when resolving issues with your account representative.
2012 Country/Region The ISO code of the country or region where the request originated.
2013 State The state or province where the request originated.
2014 City The city where the request originated.
2052 Server country/region The ISO code of the country or region from where the request was served.
2053 Billing region The Akamai geographical price zone for where the request was served.

Web security

ID Field name Description
2050 Security rules Returns data on security policy ID, non-deny, and deny rules when the request triggers any configured WAF or Bot Manager rules. Requires configuring the Web Application Firewall (WAF) behavior in your property or adding hostnames in your security configurations.


ID Field name Description
3000 EdgeWorkers usage Returns EdgeWorkers data for client requests and responses if EdgeWorkers is enabled. The field format is: //[EdgeWorkers-Id]/[Version]/[Event Handler]/[Off Reason]/[Logic Executed]/[Status]/#[Metrics].
3001 EdgeWorkers execution Returns EdgeWorkers execution information if enabled, including the stage of execution, the EdgeWorker ID, process, total, and total stage time in milliseconds, used memory (in kilobytes), ghost flow, error code, HTTP status change when the response is generated using the API, CPU flits consumed during processing, tier ID for the request, indirect CPU time (in milliseconds) and ghost error code.


ID Field name Description
2080 CMCD Returns a Common Media Client Data (CMCD) payload with detailed data on media traffic. This field is available only for the Adaptive Media Delivery product. For details, see Common media client data.
2081 Delivery type Limits logged data to a specific media delivery type, such as live or video on demand.
2082 Delivery format Returns 1 if media encryption is enabled for the content delivered from the edge to the client.
2083 Media encryption Returns 1 if an edge server prefetched the content delivered from the edge to the client.

Content protection

ID Field name Description
3011 Content protection information Returns Enhanced Proxy Detection (EPD) data, including the GeoGuard category and the action EPD performed on the request.

Midgress traffic

ID Field name Description
2084 Prefetch midgress hits The midgress traffic within the Akamai network, such as between two edge servers. To use this, enable the collect_midgress_traffic option in the [DataStream behavior](ga-datastream) for your property in Property Manager. As a result, the second slot in the log line returns processing information about a request.
  • 0, if the request was processed between the client device and edge server (CLIENT_REQ), and isn't logged as midgress traffic.
  • 1, if the request was processed by an edge server within the region (PEER_REQ), and is logged as midgress traffic.
  • 2, if the request was processed by a parent Akamai edge server in the parent-child hierarchy (CHILD_REQ), and is logged as midgress traffic​.

Custom fields

ID Field name Description
1082 Custom field The data specified in the custom log field of the log requests details you want to receive in the stream. For details, see Custom log field.