Create data streams
Set up data streams, monitoring, and analytical components. Use them to gather delivery performance and health metrics about your traffic across multiple properties for better insight and improved security.
Get your properties
The properties you use in DataStream
integrations need to have room to pick up a new data stream and be active on a network.
- You can assign up to three data streams to a single property. To see how many data streams are assigned to a property, review its
rule. - A single data stream can support up to 100 properties. Use the
command to get a list of its assigned properties.
Note: If you need, create a new property and activate it on a network.
Get a list of your properties for a specific group and determine which of them you'll use with your data stream.
Get-DatastreamProperties -GroupID 12345
propertyId : 12345 propertyName : my-property-1 productId : Object_Delivery productName : Object Delivery hostnames : {} contractId : C-0N7RAC7 propertyId : 98765 propertyName : my-property-2 productId : Download_Delivery productName : Download Delivery hostnames : {} contractId : C-0N7RAC7
Alternatively, you can run the
command from theAkamai.Property
module to get the properties for a specific contract and group.Get-Property -GroupID 12345 -ContractID 'C-0N7RAC7'
accountId : act_A-CCT1234 contractId : ctr_C-0N7RAC7 groupId : grp_12345 propertyId : prp_12345 propertyName : my-property-1 latestVersion : 1 stagingVersion : productionVersion : assetId : aid_12345 accountId : A-CCT9876 contractId : ctr_C-0N7RAC7 groupId : grp_98765 propertyId : prp_98765 propertyName : my-property-2 latestVersion : 1 stagingVersion : 2 productionVersion : assetId : aid_98765
Make a note of the property you want to use to update its rule tree after you create a data stream.
Create a data stream

To create a data stream, configure the following:
- Properties to monitor in the stream.
- Data sets that shape what's monitored and collected about your traffic. See Choose data sets for the available data set IDs.
- A log destination. See Choose a destination for the available destinations and their configurations.
- Other optional settings if needed.
Argument | Description |
Required | |
contractId |
Your contract's ID. |
groupId |
Your group's ID. |
properties |
A list of properties the data stream monitors. Data can only be logged on active properties. |
streamName |
The name for your stream. |
datasetFields |
A set of IDs for the data set fields within the product for which you want to receive logs. The order of the IDs defines their order in the log lines. For values, use the Data set parameters page to get the available fields for your product. For a complete list of field name IDs, see the Choose data sets section. You can also run the Get-DatastreamDatasets command for those details and optionally add the -ProductID parameter to this command to get data sets for a specific product.
destination |
A destination to send log files to. See the Destinations page for features available for each destination. To set up each destination type, see the Choose a destination section. |
deliveryConfiguration |
A set that provides configuration information for the logs. Includes:
Optional | |
collectMidgress |
Whether to set the collection of midgress data. true to enable it.
notificationEmails |
A list of email addresses to which the data stream's activation and deactivation status are sent. |
Define your data stream settings in a variable as a hashtable, PSCustomObject
, or JSON string, and then pass the variable to the -Body
Optionally, you can decide whether to activate the stream on making the request or later using the -Activate
switch parameter. Note that only active streams can collect and send logs to their destinations.
Important: Because the data stream creation process can take a bit, provide the
switch parameter as it removes a second round of processing for activation.
$myDataStream = @{
streamName = "my-stream"
groupId = 12345
contractId = "C-0N7RAC7"
notificationEmails = @(
properties = @(
propertyId = 12345
datasetFields = @(
datasetFieldId = 1000
datasetFieldId = 1002
datasetFieldId = 1023
deliveryConfiguration = @{
frequency = @{
intervalInSeconds = 30
format = "STRUCTURED"
fieldDelimiter = "SPACE"
destination = @{
destinationType = 'HTTPS'
displayName = 'my-destination'
compressLogs = true
authenticationType = 'NONE'
endpoint = ''
contentType = 'application/json'
collectMidgress = true
New-DataStream -Body $myDataStream
$myDataStream = {
"streamName": "my-stream",
"groupId": 12345,
"contractId": "C-0N7RAC7",
"notificationEmails": [
"properties": [
"propertyId": 12345
"datasetFields": [
"datasetFieldId": 1000
"datasetFieldId": 1002
"datasetFieldId": 1023
"deliveryConfiguration": {
"frequency": {
"intervalInSeconds": 30
"format": "STRUCTURED",
"fieldDelimiter": "SPACE"
"destination": {
"destinationType": "HTTPS",
"displayName": "my-destination",
"compressLogs": true,
"authenticationType": "NONE",
"endpoint": "",
"contentType": "application/json"
"collectMidgress": true
New-DataStream -Body $myDataStream
streamName : my-stream
streamId : 12345
streamVersion : 1
groupId : 12345
contractId : C-0N7RAC7
notificationEmails : {}
properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1}}
datasetFields : {@{datasetFieldId=1000; datasetFieldName=CP code; datasetFieldJsonKey=cp},
@{datasetFieldId=1002; datasetFieldName=Request ID; datasetFieldJsonKey=reqId},
@{datasetFieldId=1023; datasetFieldName=Cookie; datasetFieldJsonKey=cookie}}
destination : @{destinationType=HTTPS; displayName=my-destination; authenticationType=NONE;
endpoint=; compressLogs=False; contentType=application/json}
deliveryConfiguration : @{fieldDelimiter=SPACE; frequency=; format=STRUCTURED}
latestVersion : 1
productId : Object_Delivery
streamStatus : INACTIVE
createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn
createdDate : 2/18/2025 3:50:47 PM
modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn
modifiedDate : 2/18/2025 3:50:47 PM
You can also define your data stream settings in a JSON file, load the file into a variable, convert it into a PowerShell object, and pipe it to the command.
$myDataStream = Get-Content ./myStream.json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100
$myDataStream | New-DataStream
If you haven't activated your data stream upon create, you can run a separate command New-DataStreamActivation
to do that by specifying a stream ID you want to activate.
New-DataStreamActivation -StreamID 12345
streamName : my-stream
streamId : 12345
streamVersion : 1
groupId : 12345
contractId : C-0N7RAC7
notificationEmails : {}
properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1}}
datasetFields : {@{datasetFieldId=1000; datasetFieldName=CP code; datasetFieldJsonKey=cp},
@{datasetFieldId=1002; datasetFieldName=Request ID; datasetFieldJsonKey=reqId},
@{datasetFieldId=1023; datasetFieldName=Cookie; datasetFieldJsonKey=cookie}}
destination : @{destinationType=HTTPS; displayName=my-destination; authenticationType=NONE;
endpoint=; compressLogs=False; contentType=application/json}
deliveryConfiguration : @{fieldDelimiter=SPACE; frequency=; format=STRUCTURED}
latestVersion : 1
productId : Object_Delivery
streamStatus : ACTIVATING
createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn
createdDate : 2/18/2025 3:55:47 PM
modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn
modifiedDate : 2/18/2025 3:55:47 PM
Update a data stream
If you don't know your data stream ID, use the
to return the list of all data streams available to you.For a specific data stream version, pass also the
parameters in the command. Optionally, pass the-Version
parameter; without specifying it, the latest version is returned by default.# Get all Get-DataStream # Get one Get-DataStream -StreamID 12345 -Version 1
streamName : my-stream-1 streamId : 12345 streamVersion : 3 groupId : 12345 contractId : C-0N7RAC7 properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1}} latestVersion : 3 productId : Obj_Delivery streamStatus : ACTIVATED createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn createdDate : 2/18/2025 3:55:47 PM modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn modifiedDate : 2/18/2025 3:55:47 PM streamName : my-stream-2 streamId : 98765 streamVersion : 1 groupId : 12345 contractId : C-0N7RAC7 properties : {@{propertyId=98765; propertyName=my-property-2}} latestVersion : 1 productId : Adaptive_Media_Delivery streamStatus : INACTIVE createdBy : jasmith createdDate : 1/9/2025 6:00:17 AM modifiedBy : jasmith modifiedDate : 1/9/2025 6:00:17 AM
streamName : my-stream-1 streamId : 12345 streamVersion : 1 groupId : 12345 contractId : C-0N7RAC7 notificationEmails : {} properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1}} datasetFields : {@{datasetFieldId=1000; datasetFieldName=CP code; datasetFieldJsonKey=cp}, @{datasetFieldId=1002; datasetFieldName=Request ID; datasetFieldJsonKey=reqId}, @{datasetFieldId=1023; datasetFieldName=Cookie; datasetFieldJsonKey=cookie}} destination : @{destinationType=HTTPS; displayName=my-destination; authenticationType=NONE; endpoint=; compressLogs=False; contentType=application/json} deliveryConfiguration : @{fieldDelimiter=SPACE; frequency=; format=STRUCTURED} latestVersion : 1 productId : Object_Delivery streamStatus : ACTIVATED createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn createdDate : 2/18/2025 3:55:47 PM modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn modifiedDate : 2/18/2025 3:55:47 PM
Once you have the required data stream, run one of these commands to make changes:
. To update the latest version of the stream.-
First, get a specific stream, save its output locally, and edit it according to your needs.
- The function doesn’t return sensitive attributes, such as a password or access key. If you need to update them, add them to your JSON file.
- If you happen to have the
(midgress status) data set field ID in your loaded JSON, remove that information before piping your edited object as it can’t be passed on the data set level.
Get-DataStream -StreamID 12345 | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath ./myStream.json
{ "streamName": "my-updated-stream", "streamId": 12345, "streamVersion": 1, "groupId": 12345, "contractId": "C-0N7RAC7", "notificationEmails": [ "" ], "properties": [ { "propertyId": 12345, "propertyName": "my-property-1" }, { "propertyId": 98765, "propertyName": "my-property-2" } ], "datasetFields": [ { "datasetFieldId": 1002, "datasetFieldName": "Request ID", "datasetFieldJsonKey": "reqId" }, { "datasetFieldId": 1019, "datasetFieldName": "Accept-Language", "datasetFieldJsonKey": "acceptLanguage" }, { "datasetFieldId": 1023, "datasetFieldName": "Cookie", "datasetFieldJsonKey": "cookie" }, { "datasetFieldId": 1032, "datasetFieldName": "Referer", "datasetFieldJsonKey": "referer" } ], "destination": { "destinationType": "HTTPS", "displayName": "my-destination", "authenticationType": "BASIC", "password": "p@ssw0rd", "userName": "jsmith", "endpoint": "", "compressLogs": true, "contentType": "application/json" }, "collectMidgress": true, "deliveryConfiguration": { "fieldDelimiter": "SPACE", "frequency": { "intervalInSeconds": 60 }, "format": "STRUCTURED" }, "latestVersion": 1, "productId": "Object_Delivery", "streamStatus": "INACTIVE", "createdBy": "1abcdefgh2ijklmn", "createdDate": "2025-02-20T09:32:23Z", "modifiedBy": "1abcdefgh2ijklmn", "modifiedDate": "2025-02-20T09:32:23Z" }
Then convert it back to a PowerShell object and pipe it to the
command.$myUpdatedStream = Get-Content ./myStream.json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 $myUpdatedStream | Set-DataStream -StreamID 12345
streamName : my-updated-stream streamId : 12345 streamVersion : 2 groupId : 12345 contractId : C-0N7RAC7 notificationEmails : {} properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1},@{propertyId=98765; propertyName=my-property-2}} datasetFields : {@{datasetFieldId=1002; datasetFieldName=Request ID; datasetFieldJsonKey=reqId}, @{datasetFieldId=1019; datasetFieldName=Accept-Language; datasetFieldJsonKey=accLang}, @{datasetFieldId=1023; datasetFieldName=Cookie; datasetFieldJsonKey=cookie}, @{datasetFieldId=1032; datasetFieldName=Referer; datasetFieldJsonKey=referer}} destination : @{destinationType=HTTPS; displayName=my-updated-destination; authenticationType=BASIC; endpoint=; compressLogs=False; contentType=application/json} deliveryConfiguration : @{fieldDelimiter=SPACE; frequency=; format=STRUCTURED} latestVersion : 2 productId : Object_Delivery streamStatus : ACTIVATING createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn createdDate : 2/20/2025 9:45:50 AM modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn modifiedDate : 2/20/2025 11:42:03 AM
. To update selected details of an existing stream using JSON Patch syntax. Currently, you can patch a stream using only theREPLACE
operation.When updating configuration objects, such as
, pass the complete object in the-Body
parameter. Thanks to this, you can avoid overwriting current details with the default values for omitted parameters, such astags
, anduploadFileSuffix
.$myUpdatedStream = @( @{ op = "REPLACE" path = "/streamName" value = "my-updated-stream" }, @{ op = "REPLACE" path = "/destination" value = @{ authenticationType = "BASIC" destinationType = "HTTPS" displayName = "my-updated-destination" endpoint = "" password = "p@ssW0rd" userName = "jsmith" } } ) Update-DataStream -StreamID 12345 -Body $myUpdatedStream -Activate
$myUpdatedStream = '[ { "op": "REPLACE", "path": "/streamName", "value": "my-updated-stream" }, { "op": "REPLACE", "path": "/destination", "value": { "authenticationType": "BASIC", "destinationType": "HTTPS", "displayName": "my-updated-desination", "endpoint": "", "password": "p@ssw0rd", "userName": "jsmith" } } ]' Update-DataStream -StreamID 12345 -Body $myUpdatedStream -Activate
streamName : my-updated-stream streamId : 12345 streamVersion : 2 groupId : 12345 contractId : C-0N7RAC7 notificationEmails : {} properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1}} datasetFields : {@{datasetFieldId=1002; datasetFieldName=Request ID; datasetFieldJsonKey=reqId}, @{datasetFieldId=1019; datasetFieldName=Accept-Language; datasetFieldJsonKey=accLang}, @{datasetFieldId=1023; datasetFieldName=Cookie; datasetFieldJsonKey=cookie}, @{datasetFieldId=1032; datasetFieldName=Referer; datasetFieldJsonKey=referer}} destination : @{destinationType=HTTPS; displayName=my-updated-desination; authenticationType=BASIC; endpoint=; compressLogs=False} deliveryConfiguration : @{fieldDelimiter=SPACE; frequency=; format=STRUCTURED} latestVersion : 2 productId : Object_Delivery streamStatus : ACTIVATING createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn createdDate : 2/20/2025 9:45:50 AM modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn modifiedDate : 2/20/2025 2:51:09 PM
Running any of these two commands creates a new stream version that replaces the current one.
For both commands, you need to add the
switch parameter when updating active streams, and optionally for inactive streams if you want to activate them upon request. -
Add rules and behaviors
Get your property's rule tree as a JSON file. The output is a JSON file at your current location containing your rule's configurations.
Get-PropertyRules -PropertyName 'my-property-1' -PropertyVersion 'latest' -OutputToFile
In the property's rule tree, add the
rule and behavior and any additional behaviors required by a data set. For the options' configuration, see the DataStream behavior.- For more than one property, loop through each property to add the rule.
- If you use includes in your rule tree, activate them before you activate your property.
{ "name": "Datastream", "children": [], "behaviors": [ { "name": "datastream", "options": { "streamType": "LOG", "logStreamTitle": "", "logEnabled": true, "logStreamName": [ "12345" ], "samplingPercentage": 100, "collectMidgressTraffic": false } } ], "criteria": [], "criteriaMustSatisfy": "" }
Add your updated rules to your property, pointing to the appropriate file.
Send your entire rule tree back. Rules not returned are removed from your property.Set-PropertyRules -PropertyName 'my-property-1' -PropertyVersion latest -InputFile './main.json' -VersionNotes 'Adding an access key'
The output returns your rule tree along with any errors or warnings on upload.
Activate a property
To activate the property on a network to start collecting data with your data stream, provide a value for the network, staging or production, and activate your property.
New-PropertyActivation -PropertyName 'my-property-1' -PropertyVersion 'latest' -Network 'Staging' -NotifyEmails ''
activationLink activationId
-------------- ------------
/papi/v1/properties/prp_12345/activations/atv_67890?contractId=ctr_C-0N7RAC7&groupId=grp_12345 atv_67890
Remove a data stream
To remove a data stream, first, you need to deactivate it. Run the New-DataStreamDeactivation
command to do that. Deactivating a stream takes about an hour.
New-DataStreamDeactivation -StreamID 12345
streamName : my-stream
streamId : 12345
streamVersion : 2
groupId : 12345
contractId : C-0N7RAC7
notificationEmails : {}
properties : {@{propertyId=12345; propertyName=my-property-1}}
datasetFields : {@{datasetFieldId=1002; datasetFieldName=Request ID; datasetFieldJsonKey=reqId}, @{datasetFieldId=1019;
datasetFieldName=Accept-Language; datasetFieldJsonKey=accLang}, @{datasetFieldId=1023;
datasetFieldName=Cookie; datasetFieldJsonKey=cookie}, @{datasetFieldId=1032; datasetFieldName=Referer;
destination : @{destinationType=HTTPS; displayName=my-desination; authenticationType=BASIC;
endpoint=; compressLogs=False}
deliveryConfiguration : @{fieldDelimiter=SPACE; frequency=; format=STRUCTURED}
latestVersion : 2
productId : Object_Delivery
streamStatus : DEACTIVATING
createdBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn
createdDate : 2/20/2025 9:45:50 AM
modifiedBy : 1abcdefgh2ijklmn
modifiedDate : 2/21/2025 4:25:16 PM
Once you've deactivated the data stream, run the Remove-DataStream
command to remove it completely.
Remove-DataStream -StreamID 12345
Updated about 12 hours ago