Copy-APIEndpoint | Clone an endpoint. |
Get-APICategory | Get one or all categories. |
Get-APIContractsAndGroups | Get contracts and groups. |
Get-APIEndpoints | Get endpoints. |
Get-APIEndpointVersion | Get one or all versions. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionCache | Get cache settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionCORS | Get CORS settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionErrorResponses | Get error response settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionErrorResponseType | Get an error response. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionGraphQL | Get GraphQL cache settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionGZip | Get GZIP settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionJWT | Get JWT settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionPII | Get PII settings for an endpoint version. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionPIIParams | Get parameters with PII for an endpoint version. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionPrivacy | Get API privacy settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionResource | Get a resource. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionResourceOperation | Get a resource operation. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionResourcesAndOperations | Get resources and operations. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionRouting | Get routing settings. |
Get-APIEndpointVersionSummary | Get a version summary. |
Get-APIHostnames | Get hostnames. |
Get-APIHostnamesAndGroups | Get hostnames with access control groups. |
Get-APIOperations | Search operations. |
Get-APIUserEntitlements | Get user entitlements. |
Hide-APIEndpoint | Hide an endpoint. |
Hide-APIEndpointVersion | Hide a version. |
New-APICategory | Create a category |
New-APIEndpoint | Register an endpoint. |
New-APIEndpointActivation | Activate a version. |
New-APIEndpointDeactivation | Deactivate a version. |
New-APIEndpointFromFile | Register an endpoint from an API definition file. |
New-APIEndpointVersion | Create a new endpoint version. |
New-APIEndpointVersionPII | Add or update a user-created PII instance. |
New-APIEndpointVersionResource | Create a resource. |
New-APIEndpointVersionResourceOperation | Create a resource operation. |
New-APIOperationsQuery | Query operations. |
Remove-APICategory | Delete a category. |
Remove-APIEndpoint | Delete an endpoint. |
Remove-APIEndpointVersion | Delete a version. |
Remove-APIEndpointVersionPII | Delete PII in an endpoint version. |
Remove-APIEndpointVersionResource | Delete a resource. |
Remove-APIEndpointVersionResourceOperation | Delete a resource operation. |
Set-APICategory | Edit a category. |
Set-APIEndpointVersion | Edit a version. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionCache | Edit cache settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionCORS | Edit CORS settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionErrorResponses | Edit error response settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionErrorResponseType | Edit an error response. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionFromFile | Edit an endpoint from an API definition file. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionGraphQL | Edit GraphQL cache settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionGZip | Edit GZIP settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionJWT | Edit JWT settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionPII | Modify PII settings for an endpoint version. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionPIIParameters | Modify PII status per endpoint version. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionPIIStatus | Modify PII status per endpoint version. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionPrivacy | Edit API privacy settings. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionResource | Edit a resource. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionResourceOperation | Update a resource operation. |
Set-APIEndpointVersionRouting | Edit routing settings. |
Show-APIEndpoint | Show an endpoint. |
Show-APIEndpointVersion | Show a version. |
Test-APIOperations | Verify existing operations. |
Test-APISecureConnection | Verify secure connection. |
Update-APIEndpointVersionPII | Patch PII status per endpoint version. |