Function index
Command | Description |
Add-BucketHostname | Add hostnames to a property's hostname bucket. |
Add-PropertyHostname | Add hostnames to a property version. |
Add-PropertyRule | Add a rule or setting to a property. |
Compare-BucketHostname | Get property hostnames diff. |
Find-Property | Search properties or includes. |
Get-AccountID | Get an account ID. |
Get-BucketActivation | Get or list hostname bucket activations. |
Get-BucketHostname | Get hostnames for a property. |
Get-BulkActivatedProperty | Get bulk-activated properties. |
Get-BulkPatchedProperty | Get bulk-patched properties. |
Get-BulkSearchResult | Get bulk search results. |
Get-BulkVersionedProperty | Get bulk-versioned properties. |
Get-ChildRuleSnippet | Extract json snippets from child rules. |
Get-CustomBehavior | Get or list custom behaviors. |
Get-CustomOverride | Get a custom override. |
Get-Group | Get or list access control groups. |
Get-HostnameAuditHistory | Get audit history. |
Get-PAPIClientSettings | Get property API client settings. |
Get-Product | Get products. |
Get-ProductUseCases | List use cases |
Get-Property | Get a property. |
Get-PropertyActivation | Get a property activation. |
Get-PropertyBehavior | List available behaviors for a property. |
Get-PropertyBehaviors | List available behaviors for a property. |
Get-PropertyBuild | Get build details. |
Get-PropertyCertificateChallenge | Generate domain validation challenges. |
Get-PropertyClientSettings | Get client settings. |
Get-PropertyContract | Get contracts. |
Get-PropertyCPCode | Get or list CP codes. |
Get-PropertyCriteria | List available criteria for a property. |
Get-PropertyEdgeHostname | Get or list edge hostnames. |
Get-PropertyHostname | Get hostnames for a property version. |
Get-PropertyInclude | Get a property include. |
Get-PropertyIncludeActivation | Get or list property include activations. |
Get-PropertyIncludeBehavior | List available behaviors for an include. |
Get-PropertyIncludeBehaviors | List available behaviors for an include. |
Get-PropertyIncludeCriteria | List available criteria for an include. |
Get-PropertyIncludeRules | Get a property include's rule tree. |
Get-PropertyIncludeRulesDigest | Get a digest for an include's rule tree. |
Get-PropertyIncludeVersion | Get or list property include versions. |
Get-PropertyRequestSchema | Get a schema for a request. |
Get-PropertyRules | Get a property's rule tree. |
Get-PropertyRulesDigest | Get a digest for a property's rule tree. |
Get-PropertyVersion | Get or list property versions. |
Get-PropertyVersionInclude | List property's includes. |
Get-RuleFormat | Get rule formats. |
Get-RuleFormatSchema | Get a schema for a rule format. |
Get-TopLevelGroup | Get top-level groups. |
Merge-PropertyRules | Merge a directory of snippets. |
New-BulkActivation | Bulk activate a set of properties. |
New-BulkPatch | Bulk patch a set of properties. |
New-BulkSearch | Bulk search a set of properties or includes. |
New-BulkVersion | Bulk version a set of properties. |
New-CPCode | Create a new CP code. |
New-EdgeHostname | Create a new edge hostname. |
New-Property | Create or clone a property. |
New-PropertyActivation | Activate a property. |
New-PropertyDeactivation | Deactivate a property. |
New-PropertyInclude | Create or clone a property include. |
New-PropertyIncludeActivation | Activate a property include. |
New-PropertyIncludeDeactivation | Deactivate an include. |
New-PropertyIncludeVersion | Create a new include version. |
New-PropertyVersion | Create a new property version. |
Remove-BucketActivation | Cancel a pending hostname bucket activation. |
Remove-BucketHostname | Remove hostnames from a property's hostname bucket. |
Remove-Property | Remove a property. |
Remove-PropertyHostname | Remove hostnames from a property version. |
Remove-PropertyInclude | Remove a property include. |
Remove-PropertyRule | Remove a property or setting from a property. |
Set-PropertyClientSettings | Update client settings. |
Set-PropertyHostname | Update hostnames for a property version. |
Set-PropertyIncludeRules | Update an include's rule tree. |
Set-PropertyIncludeRuleTemplates | Update an include's rule tree. |
Set-PropertyRules | Update a property's rule tree. |
Set-PropertyRuleTemplates | Update a property's rule tree. |
Set-PropertyRuleTree | Update a property's rule tree. |
Test-PropertyInclude | Validate an include. |
Test-PropertyRule | Test a property rule. |
Undo-BucketActivation | Cancel a pending property hostname activation. |
Undo-PropertyActivation | Cancel a property's pending activation. |
Undo-PropertyIncludeActivation | Cancel an include's pending activation. |
Update-PropertyRule | Replace a rule or setting in a property. |
Updated 15 days ago