Function index

Add-BucketHostnameAdd hostnames to a property's hostname bucket.
Add-PropertyHostnameAdd hostnames to a property version.
Add-PropertyRuleAdd a rule or setting to a property.
Compare-BucketHostnameGet property hostnames diff.
Find-PropertySearch properties or includes.
Get-AccountIDGet an account ID.
Get-BucketActivationGet or list hostname bucket activations.
Get-BucketHostnameGet hostnames for a property.
Get-BulkActivatedPropertyGet bulk-activated properties.
Get-BulkPatchedPropertyGet bulk-patched properties.
Get-BulkSearchResultGet bulk search results.
Get-BulkVersionedPropertyGet bulk-versioned properties.
Get-ChildRuleSnippetExtract json snippets from child rules.
Get-CustomBehaviorGet or list custom behaviors.
Get-CustomOverrideGet a custom override.
Get-GroupGet or list access control groups.
Get-HostnameAuditHistoryGet audit history.
Get-PAPIClientSettingsGet property API client settings.
Get-ProductGet products.
Get-ProductUseCasesList use cases
Get-PropertyGet a property.
Get-PropertyActivationGet a property activation.
Get-PropertyBehaviorList available behaviors for a property.
Get-PropertyBehaviorsList available behaviors for a property.
Get-PropertyBuildGet build details.
Get-PropertyCertificateChallengeGenerate domain validation challenges.
Get-PropertyClientSettingsGet client settings.
Get-PropertyContractGet contracts.
Get-PropertyCPCodeGet or list CP codes.
Get-PropertyCriteriaList available criteria for a property.
Get-PropertyEdgeHostnameGet or list edge hostnames.
Get-PropertyHostnameGet hostnames for a property version.
Get-PropertyIncludeGet a property include.
Get-PropertyIncludeActivationGet or list property include activations.
Get-PropertyIncludeBehaviorList available behaviors for an include.
Get-PropertyIncludeBehaviorsList available behaviors for an include.
Get-PropertyIncludeCriteriaList available criteria for an include.
Get-PropertyIncludeRulesGet a property include's rule tree.
Get-PropertyIncludeRulesDigestGet a digest for an include's rule tree.
Get-PropertyIncludeVersionGet or list property include versions.
Get-PropertyRequestSchemaGet a schema for a request.
Get-PropertyRulesGet a property's rule tree.
Get-PropertyRulesDigestGet a digest for a property's rule tree.
Get-PropertyVersionGet or list property versions.
Get-PropertyVersionIncludeList property's includes.
Get-RuleFormatGet rule formats.
Get-RuleFormatSchemaGet a schema for a rule format.
Get-TopLevelGroupGet top-level groups.
Merge-PropertyRulesMerge a directory of snippets.
New-BulkActivationBulk activate a set of properties.
New-BulkPatchBulk patch a set of properties.
New-BulkSearchBulk search a set of properties or includes.
New-BulkVersionBulk version a set of properties.
New-CPCodeCreate a new CP code.
New-EdgeHostnameCreate a new edge hostname.
New-PropertyCreate or clone a property.
New-PropertyActivationActivate a property.
New-PropertyDeactivationDeactivate a property.
New-PropertyIncludeCreate or clone a property include.
New-PropertyIncludeActivationActivate a property include.
New-PropertyIncludeDeactivationDeactivate an include.
New-PropertyIncludeVersionCreate a new include version.
New-PropertyVersionCreate a new property version.
Remove-BucketActivationCancel a pending hostname bucket activation.
Remove-BucketHostnameRemove hostnames from a property's hostname bucket.
Remove-PropertyRemove a property.
Remove-PropertyHostnameRemove hostnames from a property version.
Remove-PropertyIncludeRemove a property include.
Remove-PropertyRuleRemove a property or setting from a property.
Set-PropertyClientSettingsUpdate client settings.
Set-PropertyHostnameUpdate hostnames for a property version.
Set-PropertyIncludeRulesUpdate an include's rule tree.
Set-PropertyIncludeRuleTemplatesUpdate an include's rule tree.
Set-PropertyRulesUpdate a property's rule tree.
Set-PropertyRuleTemplatesUpdate a property's rule tree.
Set-PropertyRuleTreeUpdate a property's rule tree.
Test-PropertyIncludeValidate an include.
Test-PropertyRuleTest a property rule.
Undo-BucketActivationCancel a pending property hostname activation.
Undo-PropertyActivationCancel a property's pending activation.
Undo-PropertyIncludeActivationCancel an include's pending activation.
Update-PropertyRuleReplace a rule or setting in a property.