Base IDs
Get base IDs for your Akamai account
Get values and set variables for basic Akamai IDs.
Note: Contract and Group return your contract ID. Group also returns your parent group ID.
$AcctID = Get-AccountID
$CtrID = (Get-PropertyContract).contractId
# Get all groups to find the one you want
groupName groupId parentGroupId contractIds
--------- ------- ------------- -----------
My delivery group 12345 98765 {1-3CV382}
My image group 654321 98765 {1-3CV382}
# Set IDs to variables
$GrpID = 12345
$GrpName = "My delivery group"
$ParentGrpId = 98765
$ContID = 12345
Get-Product -ContractID $CtrID
productName productId
----------- ---------
Download_Delivery Download_Delivery
Obj_Delivery Obj_Delivery
$PrdID = "Obj_Delivery"
Updated 10 months ago