Function index
Command | Description |
Add-CPSThirdPartyCert | Add a third-party certificate. |
Complete-CPSChange | Promote a CPS change to production. |
Confirm-CPSLetsEncryptChallengesCompleted | Confirm Let's Encrypt challenge data is ready. |
Confirm-CPSPostVerificationWarnings | Acknowledge post-verification warnings. |
Confirm-CPSPreVerificationWarnings | Acknowledge pre-verification warnings. |
Get-CPSCertificateHistory | Get certificate history. |
Get-CPSChangeHistory | Get change history. |
Get-CPSChangeStagingStatus | Get status of a CPS change on the staging network. |
Get-CPSChangeStatus | Get change status. |
Get-CPSCSR | Retrieve the CSR for a third-party certificate. |
Get-CPSDeployment | Get deployments. |
Get-CPSDeploymentSchedule | Get a deployment schedule. |
Get-CPSDVHistory | Get DV history. |
Get-CPSEnrollment | Get an enrollment. |
Get-CPSLetsEncryptChallenges | Get Let's Encrypt challenges. |
Get-CPSPostVerificationWarnings | Get post-verification warnings. |
Get-CPSPreVerificationWarnings | Get pre-verification warnings. |
Get-CPSProductionDeployment | Get production deployment. |
Get-CPSStagingDeployment | Get staging deployment. |
New-CPSEnrollment | Create an enrollment. |
Remove-CPSChange | Cancel a change. |
Remove-CPSEnrollment | Remove an enrollment. |
Set-CPSDeploymentSchedule | Update a deployment schedule. |
Set-CPSEnrollment | Update an enrollment. |
Updated 23 days ago