Function index

Get-TestCaseGet a test case.
Get-TestCatalogTemplateGet the test catalog template.
Get-TestConditionGet test conditions.
Get-TestRequestGet test requests.
Get-TestRunGet a test run.
Get-TestSuiteGet a test suite with child objects.
Get-TestVariableGet a variable.
New-TestCaseAdd test cases to a test suite.
New-TestRunSubmit a test run.
New-TestSuiteCreate a test suite.
New-TestVariableAdd variables to a test suite.
Remove-TestCaseRemove test cases.
Remove-TestSuiteDelete a test suite.
Remove-TestVariableDelete variables.
Restore-TestCaseRestore test cases.
Restore-TestSuiteRestore a test suite.
Set-TestCaseUpdate test cases.
Set-TestCaseOrderReorder test cases in a test suite.
Set-TestSuiteUpdate a test suite with child objects.
Set-TestVariableUpdate variables.