Use an email or SMS OTP

Before you begin

Self-enroll your smartphone

OTP stands for one-time passcode. With this authentication method, the ​Akamai MFA​ service generates a random 6-digit code that is sent to your registered phone number or email address. You can, then, submit the code to authenticate and access the required enterprise application.


Email OTP is a convenient backup authentication method that lets you log in when your main authentication device is unavailable.

How to

  1. In the authentication prompt, select email by clicking Email me, or text message by clicking Send me a Text.

    You receive a one-time verification code via email or SMS.

  2. Open the message to display the verification code.

  3. In the authentication prompt, enter the code and click Submit Code.

  4. ​Akamai MFA​ displays a confirmation message and redirects you to the required enterprise app.