Role-based access controls

Enable role-based access controls for ​Akamai MFA​ administrators in the Identity and Access Management application within ​Akamai Control Center​.

When you have an account with ​Akamai​, each contract admin and viewer have pre-configured roles that are commonly used for controlling purposes. The admin role has read and write access to the ​Akamai MFA​ application. The viewer role only has read access to the ​Akamai MFA​ application and cannot make configuration updates.

​Akamai MFA​ also lets you restrict access to resources and isolate particular workloads based on the role performed by the admin in the IT department. You can implement role-based access controls by assigning each of the MFA-specific admin roles to a certain type of resource.
With the Enterprise MFA User Manager role, you enable the administrator to configure and update user and group accounts.
With the Enterprise MFA Policy Manager role, you assign the administrator the privilege to create security policies.
With the Enterprise MFA Help Desk role, you can grant administrative permission to support users with access issues, for example, by generating bypass codes.

Pre-configured roles and permissions

These are pre-configured roles that you can assign in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) application within ​Akamai Control Center​.

Preconfigured rolesRead or Write privileges
AdminHas read and write privileges to all ​Akamai MFA​ resources
ViewerHas read privileges to all ​Akamai MFA​ resources

MFA-specific roles and permissions

These are the MFA-specific roles that you can assign in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) application in ​Akamai Control Center​.

These roles let you enforce granular control and separate administrative tasks, which increases system security.

RolesRead or Write privileges
Enterprise MFA User ManagerHas read and write privileges to users, groups, and user provisioning resources.
Has read-only privileges to the other ​Akamai MFA​ resources.
Enterprise MFA Policy ManagerHas read and write privileges to policy resources.
Has read-only privileges to the other ​Akamai MFA​ resources.
Enterprise MFA Help DeskHas read and write privileges to users and groups.
Has read-only privileges to the other ​Akamai MFA​ resources.

To learn more about the role configuration in IAM, see Roles.