Enable or disable ETP Client

If you need to remotely enable or disable ​ETP Client​ from the command line, you can perform this procedure on a Windows or macOS device. When you disable ​ETP Client​, you also disable ​SIA​ protection on the device.

On Windows

To enable or disable ​ETP Client​:

  1. Open a PowerShell window or a command prompt.

  2. Change directories to where ​ETP Client​ is installed. For example, \Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Client Connector\

  3. To disable ​ETP Client​, enter this command:

    sendCmd -e 0

  4. To enable ​ETP Client​, enter this command:

    sendCmd -e 1

On Mac

To enable or disable ​ETP Client​:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Change directories to where ​ETP Client​ is installed. For example, /Library/Application support/Akamai ETP Client

  3. To disable ​ETP Client​, enter this command:

    ./sendCmd -e 0

  4. To enable ​ETP Client​, enter this command:

    ./sendCmd -e 1