- Property Manager name: Image and Video Manager: Set Parameter
- Behavior version: The
rule format supports theimOverride
behavior v1.0. - Rule format status: Deprecated, outdated rule format
- Access: Read/Write
- Allowed in includes: Yes
This specifies common query parameters that affect how imageManager
transforms images, potentially overriding policy, width, format, or density request parameters. This also allows you to assign the value of one of the property's rule tree variables to one of Image and Video Manager's own policy variables.
Option | Type | Description | Requires | |
override | enum | Selects the type of query parameter you want to set. | {"displayType":"enum","options":["POLICY","POLICY_VARIABLE","WIDTH","FORMAT","DPR","EXCLUDE_QUERY"],"tag":"select"} | |
POLICY | For the name of the Image and Video Manager policy you want to apply. | |||
POLICY_VARIABLE | Specify that you want to set an Image and Video Manager policy variable from a rule tree variable defined in the property. | |||
WIDTH | A predefined width to constrain the image to. | |||
FORMAT | For browser types. | |||
DPR | For pixel density. | |||
EXCLUDE_QUERY | Excludes the specified query parameters from the cache key. | |||
typesel | enum | Specifies how to set a query parameter. | override is not POLICY_VARIABLE AND override is not EXCLUDE_QUERY | {"displayType":"enum","options":["VALUE","VARIABLE"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"neq","value":"POLICY_VARIABLE"},{"attribute":"override","op":"neq","value":"EXCLUDE_QUERY"}]}} |
VALUE | Assign a specific value. | |||
VARIABLE | Assign a Property Manager rule tree | |||
formatvar | string (variable name) | This selects the variable with the name of the browser you want to optimize images for. The variable specifies the same type of data as the | override is FORMAT AND typesel is VARIABLE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"FORMAT"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VARIABLE"}]}} |
format | enum | Specifies the type of the browser, or the encodings passed in the | override is FORMAT AND typesel is VALUE | {"displayType":"enum","options":["CHROME","IE","SAFARI","GENERIC","AVIF_WEBP_JPEG_PNG_GIF","JP2_WEBP_JPEG_PNG_GIF","WEBP_JPEG_PNG_GIF","JPEG_PNG_GIF"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"FORMAT"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VALUE"}]}} |
CHROME | Google Chrome. | |||
IE | Internet Explorer. | |||
SAFARI | Apple Safari. | |||
GENERIC | Generic. | |||
AVIF_WEBP_JPEG_PNG_GIF | Best of AVIF, WebP, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. | |||
JP2_WEBP_JPEG_PNG_GIF | Best of JP2, WebP, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. | |||
WEBP_JPEG_PNG_GIF | Best of WebP, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. | |||
JPEG_PNG_GIF | Best of JPEG, PNG, GIF. | |||
dprvar | string (variable name) | This selects the variable with the desired pixel density. The variable specifies the same type of data as the | override is DPR AND typesel is VARIABLE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"DPR"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VARIABLE"}]}} |
dpr | number | Directly specifies the pixel density. The numeric value is a scaling factor of 1, representing normal density. | override is DPR AND typesel is VALUE | {"displayType":"number","tag":"input","type":"number"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"DPR"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VALUE"}]}} |
widthvar | string (variable name) | Selects the variable with the desired width. If the Image and Video Manager policy doesn't define that width, it serves the next largest width. | override is WIDTH AND typesel is VARIABLE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"WIDTH"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VARIABLE"}]}} |
width | number | Sets the image's desired pixel width directly. If the Image Manager policy doesn't define that width, it serves the next largest width. | override is WIDTH AND typesel is VALUE | {"displayType":"number","tag":"input","type":"number"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"WIDTH"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VALUE"}]}} |
policyvar | string (variable name) | This selects the variable with the desired Image and Video Manager policy name to apply to image requests. If there is no policy by that name, Image and Video Manager serves the image unmodified. | override is POLICY AND typesel is VARIABLE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"POLICY"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VARIABLE"}]}} |
policy | string | This selects the desired Image and Video Manager policy name directly. If there is no policy by that name, Image and Video Manager serves the image unmodified. | override is POLICY AND typesel is VALUE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"POLICY"},{"attribute":"typesel","op":"eq","value":"VALUE"}]}} |
policyvarName | string | This selects the name of one of the variables defined in an Image and Video Manager policy that you want to replace with the property's rule tree variable. | override is POLICY_VARIABLE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"POLICY_VARIABLE"}} |
policyvarIMvar | string (variable name) | This selects one of the property's rule tree variables to assign to the | override is POLICY_VARIABLE | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"POLICY_VARIABLE"}} |
excludeAllQueryParameters | boolean | Whether to exclude all query parameters from the Image and Video Manager cache key. | override is EXCLUDE_QUERY | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"EXCLUDE_QUERY"}} |
excludedQueryParameters | string array | Specifies individual query parameters to exclude from the Image and Video Manager cache key. | override is EXCLUDE_QUERY AND excludeAllQueryParameters is false | {"displayType":"string array","tag":"input","todo":true} {"if":{"op":"and","params":[{"attribute":"override","op":"eq","value":"EXCLUDE_QUERY"},{"attribute":"excludeAllQueryParameters","op":"eq","value":false}]}} |