- Property Manager name: JWT
- Behavior version: The
rule format supports theverifyJsonWebTokenForDcp
behavior v1.0. - Rule format status: GA, stable
- Access: Read/Write
- Allowed in includes: Yes
This behavior allows you to use JSON web tokens (JWT) to verify requests for use in implementing IoT Edge Connect, which you use the dcp
behavior to configure. You can specify the location in a request to pass a JSON web token (JWT), collections of public keys to verify the integrity of this token, and specific claims to extract from it. Use the verifyJsonWebToken
behavior for other JWT validation.
When authenticating to edge servers with both JWT and mutual authentication (using the dcpAuthVariableExtractor
behavior), the JWT method is ignored, and you need to authenticate with a client authentication certificate.
Option | Type | Description | Requires | |
extractLocation | enum | Specifies where to get the JWT value from. | {"displayType":"enum","options":["CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER","QUERY_STRING","CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING"],"tag":"select"} | |
CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER | From the client request header. | |||
QUERY_STRING | From the query string. | |||
primaryLocation | enum | Specifies the primary location to extract the JWT value from. If the specified option doesn't include the JWTs, the system checks the secondary one. | extractLocation is CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING | {"displayType":"enum","options":["CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER","QUERY_STRING"],"tag":"select"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"eq","value":"CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING"}} |
CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER | Get the JWT value from the request header. | |||
QUERY_STRING | Get the JWT value from the query string. | |||
customHeader | boolean | The JWT value comes from the | extractLocation is either: CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER , CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"in","value":["CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER","CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING"]}} |
headerName | string | This specifies the name of the header to extract the JWT value from. | customHeader is true | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"customHeader","op":"eq","value":true}} |
queryParameterName | string | Specifies the name of the query parameter from which to extract the JWT value. | extractLocation is either: QUERY_STRING , CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractLocation","op":"in","value":["QUERY_STRING","CLIENT_REQUEST_HEADER_AND_QUERY_STRING"]}} |
jwt | string | An identifier for the JWT keys collection. | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} | |
extractClientId | boolean | Allows you to extract the client ID claim name stored in JWT. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
clientId | string | This specifies the claim name. | extractClientId is true | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractClientId","op":"eq","value":true}} |
extractAuthorizations | boolean | Allows you to extract the authorization groups stored in the JWT. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
authorizations | string | This specifies the authorization group name. | extractAuthorizations is true | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractAuthorizations","op":"eq","value":true}} |
extractUserName | boolean | Allows you to extract the user name stored in the JWT. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
userName | string | This specifies the user name. | extractUserName is true | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"extractUserName","op":"eq","value":true}} |
enableRS256 | boolean | Verifies JWTs signed with the RS256 algorithm. This signature helps to ensure that the token hasn't been tampered with. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
enableES256 | boolean | Verifies JWTs signed with the ES256 algorithm. This signature helps to ensure that the token hasn't been tampered with. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} |