
Optimizes images' size or file type for the requesting device. You can also use this behavior to generate API tokens to apply your own policies to matching images using the Image and Video Manager API. To apply this behavior, you need to match on a file​Extension. Once you apply Image and Video Manager to traffic, you can add the advanced​Im​Match to ensure the behavior applies to the requests from the Image and Video Manager backend.


Enable image management capabilities and generate a corresponding API token.


Specify whether to scale down images to the maximum screen resolution, as determined by the rendering device's user agent. Note that enabling this may affect screen layout in unexpected ways.


Specify whether to convert images to the best file type for the requesting device, based on its user agent and the initial image file. This produces the smallest file size possible that retains image quality.


Specifies a location for your site's heaviest traffic, for use in caching derivatives on edge servers.

use​Existing​Policy​Set is not true

United States.






Europe, Middle East, and Africa.






Enables Cache+ to improve cache retention and performance. When enabled, Image and Video Manager stores derivatives in Cloud Wrapper.


Allows Cloud Wrapper to fetch from that cache for 30 days when a cache miss occurs before sending the request to the origin. Note that if using Image and Video Manager, the objects may already be in cache.

cloud​Wrapper​Enabled is true
cloud​Wrapper​Url​Pathstring array

With cloud​Wrapper​Enabled set to true, specifies paths for which Image and Video Manager will store derivatives in Cloud Wrapper. You can use wildcards for each specified path, where ? matches a single character and * matches zero or more characters. Leaving this field empty means all Image and Video Manager derivative traffic will be stored in Cloud Wrapper.

cloud​Wrapper​Enabled is true
{"displayType":"string array","tag":"input","todo":true}

Assigns a CP code to track traffic and billing for original images that the Image and Video Manager has not modified. You only need to provide the initial id, stripping any cpc_ prefix to pass the integer to the rule tree. Additional CP code details may reflect back in subsequent read-only data.


Read-only. Describes the current usage limit for the CP code.


Read-only. UNIX epoch timestamp reflecting when the CP code was originally created.


Read-only. Additional description for the CP code.


Unique identifier for each CP code. Initially, you get this value when creating a new CP code in PAPI. You can also assign a cpcode​Id value from the List CP codes operation.


Read-only. The name of the CP code you specify as the cpcode​Name when creating a new CP code in PAPI. You can modify this value with the PUT operation in the CP codes and Reporting Groups API.


Read-only. The set of products the CP code is assigned to. This reflects product​Id values you specify when creating a new CP code in PAPI.


Assigns a separate CP code to track traffic and billing for derived images. You only need to provide the initial id, stripping any cpc_ prefix to pass the integer to the rule tree. Additional CP code details may reflect back in subsequent read-only data.


Read-only. Describes the current usage limit for the CP code.


Read-only. UNIX epoch timestamp reflecting when the CP code was originally created.


Read-only. Additional description for the CP code.


Unique identifier for each CP code. Initially, you get this value when creating a new CP code in PAPI. You can also assign a cpcode​Id value from the List CP codes operation.


Read-only. The name of the CP code you specify as the cpcode​Name when creating a new CP code in PAPI. You can modify this value with the PUT operation in the CP codes and Reporting Groups API.


Read-only. The set of products the CP code is assigned to. This reflects product​Id values you specify when creating a new CP code in PAPI.


Whether to use a previously created policy set that may be referenced in other properties, or create a new policy set to use with this property. A policy set can be shared across multiple properties belonging to the same contract. The behavior populates any changes to the policy set across all properties that reference that set.


Identifies the existing policy set configured with Image and Video Manager API.

use​Existing​Policy​Set is true

Generates a custom Image and Video Manager API token to apply a corresponding policy to this set of images. The token consists of a descriptive label (the policy​Token) concatenated with a property-specific identifier that's generated when you save the property. The API registers the token when you activate the property.

use​Existing​Policy​Set is false

Assign a prefix label to help match the policy token to this set of images, limited to 32 alphanumeric or underscore characters. If you don't specify a label, default becomes the prefix.

advanced is true

Specify the default policy identifier, which is registered with the Image and Video Manager API once you activate this property. The advanced option needs to be inactive.

advanced is false