
  • Property Manager name: Read Timeout
  • Behavior version: The v2024-10-21 rule format supports the readTimeout behavior v1.2.
  • Rule format status: GA, stable
  • Access: Read/Write
  • Allowed in includes: Yes

This behavior specifies how long the edge server should wait for a response from the requesting forward server after a connection has already been established.

valuestring (duration)

The amount of time an edge server should wait for each read statement to return a response from the forward server after a connection has already been established. Larger objects may need many reads, and this timeout applies to each read separately. Any failure to complete a read within this time limit aborts the request and sends a 504 Gateway Timeout error to the client.

first​Byte​Timeoutstring (duration)

The amount of time an edge server should wait for the first byte of the response to be returned from the forward server after a connection has already been established. Instead of continually waiting for the content, edge servers send a 504 Gateway Timeout error to the client. If your origin server is handling high loads and might respond slowly, specify a short timeout. Defaults to 20 seconds. The value for First Byte Timeout can't be 0 and it can't exceed 10 minutes (600 seconds).
