Validation errors

The tables in this section provide details for many of the errors you may encounter, along with the HTTP status codes they share. Note that this is not an exhaustive listing. Each problem object's type member corresponds to items listed in the tables below. Problem types reported in HTTP error responses follow this URL pattern, where the type identifier may include an additional slash character:{version}/{type}

URLs for many problem types included within rule tree and property hostname response objects are formed with an additional validation component:{version}/validation/{type}

For more information about blocking and non-blocking validation issues, see Rule tree errors and warnings.

Property hostnames

An additional set of errors may be listed within hostname objects that prevent you from activating the property version:

generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​name_​hostname_​overlapAn origin may not specify the same hostname as a property.
hostnames.bad_​hostname_​formatThe hostname isn't formatted properly.
hostnames.disallowed_​akamaihd_​dot_​net_​hostnameThe AkamaiHD hostname is invalid. The prefix for has a maximum 16 alphanumeric and underscore characters.
hostnames.disallowed_​akamaized_​dot_​net_​hostnameThe hostname may not specify
hostnames.dualstack_​dissuasion_​warningMake sure your origin can handle IPv6 traffic.
hostnames.duplicate_​hostnameThe hostname is listed more than once.
hostnames.empty_​hostnamesSpecify at least one property hostname.
hostnames.empty_​string_​hostnameThe hostname may not be empty.
hostnames.enhancedtls_​module_​standard_​certYour contract features the Enhanced TLS module, but the property hostname uses a standard certificate, a potential PCI violation.
hostnames.hostname_​contains_​underscoreAvoid underscore characters in hostnames, which may cause problems for some DNS resolvers.
hostnames.hostname_​overlapping_​certsSome domains are covered by both Enhanced TLS and Standard TLS certificates. Avoid this unless you're migrating properties.
hostnames.insecure_​module_​standard_​certYour contract requires the Standard TLS module to select a hostname with a standard certificate.
hostnames.insecure_​property_​secure_​edge_​hostnameAn Enhanced TLS edge hostname is incompatible with your non-secure property.
hostnames.max_​hostnames_​limit_​hardYou have reached the maximum number of hostnames per property. Either reconfigure using the instantConfig behavior, split your hostnames across more than one property, or consult with your account representative.
hostnames.max_​hostnames_​limit_​softYou have exceeded the optimal number of hostnames per property. Either reconfigure using the instantConfig behavior, split your hostnames across more than one property, or consult with your account representative.
hostnames.mdc_​subdomain_​prefixThe hostname is formatted incorrectly, and can't begin with a hyphen.
hostnames.missing_​edgehostnameA property hostname needs to reference a corresponding edge hostname.
hostnames.non_​enhancedtls_​module_​enhanced_​certYour contract requires the Enhanced TLS module to select a hostname with an enhanced certificate.
hostnames.secure_​property_​insecure_​edge_​hostnameA Standard TLS edge hostname is incompatible with your secure property.
hostnames.secure_​property_​insecure_​edge_​hostname_​shared_​certAn edge hostname is incompatible with your secure property.
hostnames.secure_​property_​without_​secure_​modulesYour contract requires secure modules to deploy a secure property.
hostnames.shared_​cert_​subdomain_​prefixThe hostname is formatted incorrectly, and can't begin with a hyphen.
hostnames.unknown_​edge_​hostnameThe edge hostname is unavailable, and may not exist.

Rules, behaviors, and criteria

These general errors relate to how you implement behaviors and criteria. They may be listed within rule trees, and may prevent you from activating the property version:

compatible_​behaviorsRules include incompatible behaviors.
condition_​no_​prompt_​upgradeYou must upgrade to a new version of a criteria.
deprecatedThe behavior has been deprecated.
deprecated_​deleteThe behavior has been removed.
deprecated_​readonlyThe behavior has been deprecated.
duplicate_​featureTwo behaviors of the same type are inappropriately placed within the same rule.
feature_​no_​prompt_​upgradeA new version of the behavior is available, requiring an upgrade.
feature_​upgrade_​requiredThe property needs to be upgraded to replace a deprecated behavior.
feature_​upgrade_​required_​readonlyThe property needs to be upgraded to replace a deprecated behavior, but this version can't be edited. Create a new version if necessary.
feature_​upgrade_​required_​viewonlyA new version of the behavior is available, requiring an upgrade.
generic_​behavior_​issue.kss_​not_​objectA new version of the behavior is available that may require a different set of options.
generic_​behavior_​issue.netstorage_​group_​not_​availableA specified NetStorage account isn't assigned to this property's group.
generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​missing_​auxlist_​subtitleYour auxiliary certificate list specifies trusted items not reflected in what your origin behavior specifies. Confirm they're accurate, and contact your account team if there's a problem.
generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​missing_​trust_​ca_​certs_​from_​underrideYour auxiliary certificate list specifies trusted items not reflected in what your origin behavior specifies. Confirm they're accurate, and contact your account team if there's a problem.
generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​missing_​trust_​certs_​from_​underrideYour auxiliary certificate list specifies trusted items not reflected in what your origin behavior specifies. Confirm they're accurate, and contact your account team if there's a problem.
generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​valid_​cn_​missing_​values_​from_​underride_​errorThe origin behavior's customValidCnValues option is missing CN/SAN match values from the auxiliary certificates list, so an ordinarily trusted certificate may not be trusted, and may result in a service outage.
generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​valid_​cn_​missing_​values_​from_​underride_​warningConfirm the origin behavior's customValidCnValues option includes all CN/SAN values from the auxiliary certificates list.
generic_​behavior_​issue.origin_​valid_​cn_​wildcardValues in the origin behavior's customValidCnValues option may contain a star (*) character, but it's interpreted literally.
incompatible_​conditionThere's an incompatibility with a specific criteria within the same rule.
incompatible_​featuresThere's an incompatibility with a specific behavior within the same rule.
incompatible_​stages.multipleThere's an incompatibility with a set of match criteria.
incompatible_​stages.noneThere's an incompatibility with a criteria in a parent rule.
incompatible_​stages.oneThere's an incompatibility with a criteria that appears in the same rule.
required_​featureThe default rule requires a behavior for the property to work.
too_​many_​instancesThere are more instances of the specified behavior than allowed within a property.
unknown_​conditionThe criteria isn't supported, and you need to remove it before activating your property.
unknown_​featureThe behavior isn't supported, and you need to remove it before activating your property.
unknown_​feature_​attributeThe behavior or criteria specifies an unknown option.

Option values

These errors may be listed within rule trees, and may prevent you from activating the property version:

generic_​behavior_​issue.table_​option_​dup_​rowThe option specifies duplicated items.
illegal_​option_​value_​format.featuresA behavior option's data type is invalid.
illegal_​option_​value_​format.matchesA criteria option's data type is invalid.
insecure_​string_​valueOption values may not specify %( text.
non_​asciiThe option specifies non-ASCII characters.
option_​emptyThe option may not specify an empty value.
option_​required.featuresThe behavior is missing a required option.
option_​required.matchesThe criteria is missing a required option.
option_​required_​when.featuresThe behavior is missing an option that's required when another of its options is set to a specific value.
option_​required_​when.matchesThe criteria is missing an option that's required when another of its options is set to a specific value.


These errors may be listed within rule trees, and may prevent you from activating the property version:

cannot_​validateThe option can't be validated because the value of its embedded variable can only be known at runtime.
duplicate_​variableThere's more than one declared variable with the same name.
empty_​variable_​nameThe name of the variable can't be empty.
internal_​variable_​in_​xmlAn advanced behavior specifies a variable that uses a reserved prefix.
no_​variable_​supportYour contract doesn't support use of variables.
syntax_​error_​in_​variable_​expression.illegal_​expressionThere's a format error in a variable expression.
syntax_​error_​in_​variable_​expression.illegal_​prefixThere's an illegal prefix in a variable expression.
syntax_​error_​in_​variable_​expression.missing_​end_​tokenThere's a missing end token in a variable expression.
unknown_​variable_​nameAn undeclared variable name was invoked.


These errors may be listed within rule trees, and may prevent you from activating the property version:

advanced_​override_​badly_​formatted_​xmlThe advanced override metadata features invalid XML.
advanced_​override_​metadata_​enabledA rule specifies advanced metadata that potentially overrides other configurations specified in previous rules.
badly_​formatted_​xmlThe behavior specifies invalid XML metadata.
conflicting_​xmlA behavior may not work as expected because advanced metadata may cause conflicts.

Contracts, accounts, and CP codes

These errors may be listed within rule tree or hostname objects, and may prevent you from activating the property version:

advanced_​cpcodes_​outside_​account_​cp_​validated_​falseThe property invokes a CP code not provisioned under this account, and Origin Domains will be enforced. Contact your account representative for more information.
advanced_​cpcodes_​outside_​account_​cp_​validated_​trueThe property invokes a CP code not provisioned under this account, and Origin Domain enforcement is disabled. Choose different CP codes, or move them into the current account.
advanced_​cpcodes_​outside_​group_​or_​contractThe property invokes a CP code that doesn't belong to its group or contract.
fixed_​limit_​exceededA limit has been exceeded for the property.
generic_​behavior_​issue.cpcode_​created_​recentlyThe property invokes a recently created CP code that may not have fully propagated across the network. Activating the property version may disrupt your service.
generic_​behavior_​issue.cpcode_​not_​availableThe specified CP code can't be used with this property. If you just created the CP code, try again later.
limit_​key.elements_​per_​propertyThe property exceeds the number of allowed behaviors and criteria.
limit_​key.max_​nested_​rulesThe property exceeds the number of nested rules allowed.
not_​granted_​by_​modules_​on_​contractYour current contract doesn't include a necessary module.
not_​granted_​by_​modules_​on_​contract_​readonlyYour current contract doesn't include a necessary module.
product_​behavior_​issue.cpcode_​incorrect_​productThe CP code isn't configured for use with this property's product, which may affect how traffic is reported.
product_​not_​on_​contractThe product isn't available on your contract. Add the product to the contract, or switch the property to a different product or contract.


These errors relate to how specific match criteria execute. They may be listed within rule trees, and may prevent you from activating the property version.

cloudlets_​origin_​groupFor cloudletsOrigin criteria to work, there must be an allowCloudletsOrigins placed within a parent rule.
general_​warningThe criteria match may negatively affect performance. Test thoroughly on staging before deploying to production.
incompatible_​origin_​typeThe cloudletsOrigin criteria only works when the origin behavior's originType is set to CUSTOMER, NET_STORAGE, or APPLICATION_LOAD_BALANCER.
incompatible_​with_​any_​conditionsSpecifying cloudletsOrigin along with any other criteria may make the origin inaccessible during a client request.
need_​allowpatchTo use requestMethod to match PATCH requests, you need to enable the allowPatch behavior.
need_​allowpostTo use requestMethod to match POST requests, you need to enable the allowPost behavior.
need_​token_​verify_​behaviorThe tokenAuthorization match requires a verifyTokenAuthorization behavior in a parent rule with its failureResponse option disabled.
need_​webdavTo use requestMethod to match the specified method, you need to enable the webdav behavior.
onlyonedgeCriteria such as clientIp, clientIpVersion, userLocation, and userNetwork only match on edge servers, not when requests are forwarded to other Akamai servers. Contact your Akamai representative for guidance.
options_​with_​webdavRequests that specify the OPTIONS method are always passed to the origin, so you can't use requestMethod to match them.
origin_​is_​requiredThe cloudletsOrigin behavior must be paired with an origin behavior.
purge_​warningThe requestMethod match on AKAMAI_PURGE or AKAMAI_TRANSLATE values requires familiarity with Akamai's edge content purge system. Test thoroughly on staging before deploying to production.
requires_​spdyThe bucket criteria can only be used along with the spdy behavior.
should_​vary_​by_​user_​agentWhen modifying content based on the deviceCharacteristic, you should use the modifyOutgoingResponseHeader behavior to specify a Vary: User-Agent header.
suggest_​audiencesegmentationRather than randomly segmenting your traffic, consider applying audienceSegmentation to divide users into different groups based on a persistent cookie.
upper_​lower_​warningThe match specifies a lowerBound value that's greater than the upperBound.
warn_​use_​headersRequests that don't include an X-Forwarded-For header don't match. Consider disabling the useOnlyFirstXForwardedForIp option.


These errors relate to how specific behaviors execute. They may be listed within rule trees, and may prevent you from activating the property version.

206overrideThe responseCode behavior's 206override option allows the 206 response to be overwritten, not recommended because it applies to byte-range responses. Confirm you want to do this, and contact your Akamai representative for guidance.
advanced_​on_​image_​management_​offThe imageManager behavior is configured to use a custom policy, but the behavior is disabled, so it has no effect.
advanced_​on_​warningWhen overriding the default policy, if the specified policyToken isn't found, imageManager applies the default and doesn't save the one you specified.
applicationloadbalancer_​neededFor an APPLICATION_LOAD_BALANCER origin to work, an applicationLoadBalancer behavior must also be enabled.
aws_​verificationmode_​validationTo set a third-party origin hostname, set the verificationMode to THIRD_PARTY or CUSTOM.
basic_​redirect_​conflictYou can't specify both the redirect and redirectplus behaviors.
beware_​of_​conditionsA behavior that implements a persistent connection may mean that a specified condition no longer works.
cache_​key_​case_​off_​ext_​case_​onWith cacheKeyIgnoreCase enabled, you shouldn't specify a case-sensitive match, otherwise two different requests that vary only by case may get different results, even though they refer to the same cached object.
cache_​key_​case_​off_​filename_​case_​onWith cacheKeyIgnoreCase enabled, you shouldn't specify a case-sensitive match, otherwise two different requests that vary only by case may get different results, even though they refer to the same cached object.
cache_​key_​case_​off_​path_​case_​onWith cacheKeyIgnoreCase enabled, you shouldn't specify a case-sensitive match, otherwise two different requests that vary only by case may get different results, even though they refer to the same cached object.
cache-key-query-paramsSince NET_STORAGE origin servers don't honor query strings, set cacheKeyQueryParams to IGNORE_ALL to avoid more than cache key for the same object.
cachingYou're potentially caching content identified as personallyIdentifiableInformation, so you should set the caching behavior to NO_STORE or BYPASS_CACHE.
caching_​bypassThe specified behavior only applies to cacheable content, not when caching is set to NO_STORE or BYPASS_CACHE.
caching_​enabledThe sureRoute behavior only applies when caching is set to NO_STORE.
caching_​maxageFor best performance when using a NET_STORAGE origin, set the caching ttl to over 10 minutes.
can_​not_​mix_​delegate_​and_​customYou can't specify more than one origin behavior with a verificationMode of both PLATFORM_SETTINGS and CUSTOM.
centralauthA NET_STORAGE origin can't be used along with centralAuthorization.
changing_​cpcode_​warningCP codes specified by imageManager affect cached images. If you change the CP codes after deploying the images in a production environment, image caches get refreshed, which may overload your origin.
conflict_​dscachingApplying a behavior that modifies Cache-Control or Expires headers may interfere with caching when both are applied to the same request.
cookie_​value_​empty_​need_​to_​disable_​session_​persistenceThe edgeLoadBalancingOrigin behavior's enableSessionPersistence is on, but edgeLoadBalancingDataCenter is missing a cookieName.
cookie_​value_​set_​need_​to_​enable_​session_​persistenceThe edgeLoadBalancingOrigin behavior's enableSessionPersistence is off, but edgeLoadBalancingDataCenter specifies a cookieName that doesn't work.
cpcode_​behavior_​not_​allowedThe cpCode behavior can't appear within the same rule as imageManager, which specifies its own CP code settings.
customer_​originIf the origin server doesn't support etags, the largeFileOptimization behavior may not work correctly, and data may be corrupted.
disable_​gzipWhen enabling edgeSideIncludes, don't set gzipResponse to ALWAYS work, otherwise content goes through compression and decompression unnecessarily.
dontallow_​cachingThe downgradeProtocol behavior isn't allowed when caching is set to NO_STORE or BYPASS_CACHE.
dontallow_​deleteThe downgradeProtocol behavior isn't allowed along with allowDelete.
dontallow_​modoutgoingreqheaderThe downgradeProtocol behavior isn't allowed along with modifyOutgoingRequestHeader.
dontallow_​piiThe downgradeProtocol behavior isn't allowed for content marked as personallyIdentifiableInformation.
dontallow_​postThe downgradeProtocol behavior isn't allowed along with allowPost.
dontallow_​putThe downgradeProtocol behavior isn't allowed along with allowPut.
downstream_​bustThe shutr behavior busts downstream caches to prevent non-Akamai proxies from tampering with content. If downstreamCache is set to values other than BUST, shutr overrides it.
downstream_​caching_​indeterminateA specified behavior may expose content identified as personallyIdentifiableInformation. You should set a downstreamCache to BUST the cache, or ALLOW it but with sendPrivate enabled.
downstream_​caching_​without_​privateA specified behavior may expose content identified as personallyIdentifiableInformation. You should set a downstreamCache to BUST the cache, or ALLOW it but with sendPrivate enabled.
elb_​must_​use_​other_​cnWhen using an EDGE_LOAD_BALANCING_ORIGIN_GROUP origin, you can't specify {{Origin Hostname}} in the customValidCnValues.
elb_​origin_​definition_​neededTo specify an origin of EDGE_LOAD_BALANCING_ORIGIN_GROUP, you also need to enable an edgeLoadBalancingOrigin behavior that defines the origin.
elb_​origin_​missingAn edgeLoadBalancingAdvanced behavior requires an accompanying edgeLoadBalancingOrigin.
empty_​cookie_​value_​and_​failover_​rulesThe edgeLoadBalancingDataCenter is invalid because its cookie value is empty and enableFailover is turned off.
extension_​match_​advisedTo apply this behavior to large files, you should match the fileExtension or otherwise avoid applying the behavior to small files, for which it may cause a delay.
filename_​match_​advisedYou should enable limitBitRate with a filename, fileExtension, or path match.
g2o_​modoutgoing_​warningYou can't use modifyOutgoingResponseHeader to modify the X-Akamai-G2O-Auth-Data and X-Akamai-G2O-Auth-Sign headers specified by the g2oheader behavior.
http2_​requires_​secureThe http2 behavior requires that the property is_​secure.
includeallqsIf one cacheId behavior is set to INCLUDE_ALL_QUERY_PARAMS, there can't be another in the same rule that includes or excludes specific parameters.
includeqsIf one cacheId behavior is set to include a specific set of query parameters, there can't be another in the same rule that excludes others.
incompatible_​optsThe failAction behavior isn't compatible when the origin is set to EDGE_LOAD_BALANCING_ORIGIN_GROUP.
incompatible_​originbasepathYou can't apply the rewriteUrl and baseDirectory behaviors to the same request.
incompatible_​ppf_​siteshieldThe siteShield behavior is incompatible with predictivePrefetching.
incompatible_​with_​any_​conditionsYou can't specify allowCloudletsOrigins with any matching criteria.
incompatible_​with_​any_​featuresYou can't specify allowCloudletsOrigins along with any other behaviors. It must be alone in its own rule.
incompatible_​with_​netstoragedeliveryReceipt isn't compatible when the origin is NET_STORAGE.
incompatibleesiYou may only enable akamaizer with edgeSideIncludes.
incompatibleredirectThe responseCode behavior may not work as expected along with redirect, because they use different status codes.
invalid_​origincertstohonor_​optionsThe origin hostname is AWS and the verificationMode is CUSTOM, but the originCertsToHonor isn't set to STANDARD_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES or COMBO.
ip_​address_​originYou should specify your origin server as a hostname. IP addresses may be abruptly reassigned and negatively affect your service.
lfo_​with_​td_​ch2A tieredDistribution whose tieredDistributionMap doesn't specify CH or CH2 can't be applied within a secure property along with a largeFileOptimization whose useVersioning is enabled.
logging_​cookiesYou're using report to log values for cookies in responses identified as personallyIdentifiableInformation. Make sure the cookies aren't exposing sensitive information.
min_​24hr_​ttl_​requiredAny rule that contains imageManager must also specify a caching behavior with a ttl of at least 1 day.
missing_​edge_​image_​converterThe watermarkUrl behavior requires a corresponding edgeImageConversion in the same rule or in a child rule.
missing_​elb_​originAn edgeLoadBalancingDataCenter requires an accompanying edgeLoadBalancingOrigin.
missing_​originTo use simulateErrorCode for the ERR_NO_GOOD_FWD_IP error, healthDetection must be enabled.
mobile_​302_​conflictMobile redirect only supports the 302 status code.
mobile_​default_​conflictA mobile redirect can't be used in the same rule as a default redirect.
must_​be_​in_​cloudlets_​origin_​groupTo enable an origin of EDGE_LOAD_BALANCING_ORIGIN_GROUP, you also need to define a cloudletsOrigin rule.
need_​additional_​matchThe prefetchable behavior needs to be enabled by a filename or fileExtension match.
need_​customer_​originThe downgradeProtocol behavior is only allowed when the origin is set to CUSTOMER.
need_​data_​center_​definedTo enable the edgeLoadBalancingOrigin behavior's enableSessionPersistence option, you need to configure an edgeLoadBalancingDataCenter.
needs_​akamaizerThe akamaizer behavior needs to be enabled for akamaizerTag to work.
needs_​akamaizertagThere must be at least one akamaizerTag for akamaizer to work.
needs_​content_​matchThe edgeSideIncludes behavior may only be used in rules with matching criteria such as path, contentType, or filename.
needs_​contenttypeYou may only enable akamaizer within a contentType match.
netstorage_​hostname_​warningThe origin needs to be set to NET_STORAGE if the hostname is a subdomain of,, or
no_​property_​hostname_​cachekeyYou may not use instantConfig when the cacheKeyHostname of the origin is set to REQUEST_HOST_HEADER.
nonce_​secret_​key_​warningThe g2oheader behavior's nonce should be different than its secretKey.
not_​compatibleYou can't use verifyTokenAuthorization when segmentedContentProtection is enabled.
not_​validation_​html_​warningThe constructResponse response body should be valid XHTML.
notallow_​extThe downgradeProtocol behavior can't be enabled by a fileExtension match.
notallow_​filenameThe downgradeProtocol behavior can't be enabled by a filename match.
notallow_​protocolThe downgradeProtocol behavior can't be enabled by a requestProtocol match.
objects_​cant_​exceed_​1mbObjects served with edgeSideIncludes may not be larger than 1MB.
origin_​acl_​must_​be_​updated_​manuallyAn old origin version specifies a cachekeyhostname of requesthostheader.
origin_​acl_​must_​be_​updated_​manually_​elbAn old origin version specifies an elb_​origin_​group of type.
origin_​elb_​definition_​warningedgeLoadBalancingOrigin doesn't work unless the origin is set to EDGE_LOAD_BALANCING_ORIGIN_GROUP.
origin_​g2o_​errorYou shouldn't use the g2oheader behavior when the origin is set to NET_STORAGE.
origin_​netstorageThe origin can't be set to NET_STORAGE if segmentedMediaOptimization is set to stream LIVE.
performance_​warningThe akamaizer behavior isn't recommended for sites that routinely serve more than 100 hits per second.
prefetchThe instant behavior is a superset of prefetch, and they're mutually exclusive. Remove either behavior.
prefetching_​never_​enabledThe prefetchable behavior has no effect unless you apply prefetch to the page users access, and which contains links to the prefetchable objects.
prefetching_​with_​ssThe siteShield behavior is incompatible with prefetching.
prune_​query_​whennsA NET_STORAGE origin server ignores query parameters, so it's more efficient to disable the rewriteUrl behavior's keepQueryString option.
receiptdelivery_​requires_​allow_​postApplying deliveryReceipt requires that you enable allowPost.
receiptdelivery_​requires_​bypass_​cacheApplying deliveryReceipt requires that you set caching to BYPASS_CACHE.
receiptdelivery_​requires_​securedeliveryReceipt requires that the property is_​secure.
regex_​validation_​notsecureWhen siteShield is used in a non-secure property, the domain name of the ssmap must end with
regex_​validation_​secureWhen siteShield is used in a secure property, the domain name of the ssmap must end with
regex_​validation_​surerouteThe sureRoute behavior's customMap must be a subdomain of
requireakamaizerThe savePostDcaProcessing behavior doesn't work properly unless akamaizer is enabled.
required_​mdc_​for_​saas_​cnameFor a behavior to specify a CNAME chain, the instantConfig behavior must also be enabled, or the property must be secure.
required_​negative_​cachingWhen your origin is set to NET_STORAGE, set the cacheError with a ttl of at least 30 seconds.
required_​third_​party_​setThe origin hostname is AWS, the verificationMode is set to CUSTOM, and originCertsToHonor is set to STANDARD_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITIES or COMBO, but standardCertificateAuthorities doesn't include THIRD_PARTY_AMAZON.
requires_​caching_​enabledTo set the cache's ID, the caching behavior must be enabled.
requires_​extension_​matchThe imageManager behavior requires a fileExtension match.
requires_​hoit_​matchThe http2 and spdy behaviors can only be enabled within a hostname match.
requires_​mfroThe randomSeek behavior works best when mediaFileRetrievalOptimization is enabled.
requires_​nonsecureTo apply instantConfig requires a non-secure property.
requires_​origin_​cacheley_​inc_​hhYou can't use cacheKeyRewrite when the origin behavior's cacheKeyHostname is set to REQUEST_HOST_HEADER.
requires_​requestmethod_​matchYou can only enable the webdav behavior when matching a requestMethod.
requirescachingWhen using cachePost, you should also use caching to define a caching strategy.
requirespostThe savePostDcaProcessing behavior requires either allowPost or cachePost to be enabled.
requirespostcachingThe savePostDcaProcessing behavior requires cachePost to be enabled.
responsecode_​conflictThe response code defined in constructResponse and responseCode don't match.
saas_​origin_​hostname_​cnWhen using a SAAS_DYNAMIC_ORIGIN origin, you can't specify {{Origin Hostname}} in the customValidCnValues.
salt_​deprecatedThe verifyTokenAuthorization behavior's salt option will be removed in a future release, so you should remove it from your code.
scheduledinvalidationWhen the origin is NET_STORAGE, the scheduleInvalidation behavior's repeatInterval must be at least 5 minutes.
secret_​key_​warningThe g2oheader behavior's secretKey must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters long.
spdy_​requires_​secureThe spdy behavior requires that the property is_​secure.
sr_​ss_​map_​mismatchA sureRoute behavior specifies a type of CUSTOM_MAP, and the customMap doesn't match what's specified by siteShield.
sr_​with_​ssWith siteShield enabled, the optimization type for sureRoute should be CUSTOM_MAP.
ss_​incompatibleThe instant behavior is incompatible with siteShield.
ssl_​custom_​warning_​aux_​listIn an early version of the origin behavior, origin_​cert_​delete is set to custom.
ssl_​custom_​warning_​expertDue to the security risk, Akamai strongly recommends you consult with your organization's security expert before configuring the origin SSL certificate verification settings. If you're the security expert and have any questions, contact your account team.
ssl_​custom_​warning_​test_​stagingIf you're changing your origin SSL certificate verification settings, to avoid a service outage Akamai strongly recommends testing on the staging network before activating on production.
ssl_​delegate_​warning_​introThe origin behavior has been enhanced to address the FOSSL exploit.
ssl_​delegate_​warning_​rotateThe origin behavior has been enhanced to address the FOSSL exploit.
ssl_​warn_​warningAn older origin version specifies a verificationMode of INSECURE.
subrules_​need_​conditionFor allowCloudletsOrigins to work, you need to nest at least one rule with a single cloudletsOrigin criteria.
suggest_​edgeredirectorInstead of redirect, consider using the edgeRedirector Cloudlet, which allows non-IT staff to manage large numbers of redirects.
sureroute_​requiredWhen applying instant to content whose caching is NO_STORE, the content must also have sureRoute enabled or it isn't prefetched.
tcip_​allow_​clients_​to_​set_​onThe origin is configured to allow clients to set the True-Client-IP header, meaning the IP value sent to the origin may not be the one the client used to connect to the edge server. While this may be useful for testing, it may allow users to bypass IP-based restrictions on your origin server.
tcpoptisdeprecatedThe tcpOptimization behavior is deprecated, and you should remove it.
td_​with_​modify_​inplaceThe tieredDistribution behavior can't be enabled when the largeFileOptimization behavior's useVersioning is disabled.
td_​with_​ssThe siteShield behavior is incompatible with tieredDistribution because both determine which Akamai servers connect directly to the origin.
third_​party_​verificationmodeSetting the origin's verificationMode to THIRD_PARTY is incompatible with the specified originType.
tiereddistribution_​requiredWhen applying instant to cacheable content, it must also have tieredDistribution enabled or it isn't prefetched.
unpurgeableEnabling a behavior within a specified criteria prevents Content Control Utility from purging by URL. Contact your Akamai representative for guidance.
urlrewrite_​incompatibleWhen using removeQueryParameter, the rewriteUrl behavior's keepQueryString must also be enabled.
usebodyThe cachePost behavior specifies a useBody of MD5 or QUERY, but there's no accompanying cacheId.
warn_​not_​connnectingipWhen setting denyAccess, disable the match's useOnlyFirstXForwardedForIp to prevent malicious end users from using X-Forwarded-For headers to bypass the policy.
warn_​regexTest any regular expressions you specify in rewriteUrl on the staging network and contact your Akamai representative if you're uncertain how to use this option.
wildcard_​match_​advisedYou should enable limitBitRate with a filename, fileExtension, or path match.
with_​ignore_​caseTo apply cacheKeyIgnoreCase, you need to lowercase the elements specified by an accompanying cacheId, otherwise they never match.
within_​cloudlets_​origins_​groupThis Cloudlet behavior may not work as expected when added to the same rule that sets the cloudletsOrigin. Consider moving it to a different rule.


These fallback errors may occur when modifying a rule tree:

unknown_​messageUnknown rule tree validation error.
unknown_​validation_​typeUnknown value error.