


The akamai_gtm_resource lets you create, configure, and import a GTM resource. In GTM, a resource is anything you can measure whose scarcity affects load balancing. Examples of resources include bandwidth, CPU load average, database queries per second, or disk operations per second.



Import requires an ID with this format: existing_domain_name:


resource "akamai_gtm_resource" "demo_resource" {
    domain = ""
    name = "demo_resource"
    aggregation_type = "latest"
    type = "XML load object via HTTP"

Argument reference

This resource supports these arguments:

  • domain - (Required) DNS name for the GTM Domain set that includes this property.

  • name - (Required) A descriptive label for the GTM resource.

  • aggregation_type - (Required) Specifies how GTM handles different load numbers when multiple load servers are used for a data center or property.

  • type - (Required) Indicates the kind of load_object format used to determine the load on the resource.

  • wait_on_complete - (Optional) A boolean indicating whether to wait for transaction to complete. Set to true by default.

  • resource_instance - (Optional) (multiple allowed) Contains information about the resources that constrain the properties within the data center. You can have multiple resource_instance entries. Requires these arguments:

    • datacenter_id - (Optional) A unique identifier for an existing data center in the domain.
    • load_object - (Optional) Identifies the load object file used to report real-time information about the current load, maximum allowable load, and target load on each resource.
    • load_object_port - (Optional) Specifies the TCP port of the load_object.
    • load_servers - (Optional) (List) Specifies a list of servers from which to request the load object.
    • use_default_load_object - (Optional) A boolean that indicates whether a default load_object is used for the resources.
  • host_header - (Optional) Optionally specifies the host header used when fetching the load object.

  • least_squares_decay - (Optional) For internal use only. Unless Akamai indicates otherwise, omit the value or set it to null.

  • upper_bound - (Optional) An optional sanity check that specifies the maximum allowed value for any component of the load object.

  • description - (Optional) A descriptive note to help you track what the resource constrains.

  • leader_string - (Optional) Specifies the text that comes before the load_object.

  • constrained_property - (Optional) Specifies the name of the property that this resource constrains, enter ** to constrain all properties.

  • load_imbalance_percent - (Optional) Indicates the percent of load imbalance factor (LIF) for the property.

  • max_u_multiplicative_increment - (Optional) For Akamai internal use only. You can omit the value or set it to null.

  • decay_rate - (Optional) For Akamai internal use only. You can omit the value or set it to null.