
Configuration rename


Renames an existing security configuration.
Note that you can change only the configuration name. You can't modify the ID assigned to a security configuration.

Scopes: Security configuration


terraform { required_providers { akamai = { source = "akamai/akamai" } } } provider "akamai" { edgerc = "~/.edgerc" } // USE CASE: User wants to rename an existing security configuration. data "akamai_appsec_configuration" "configuration" { name = "Documentation" } resource "akamai_appsec_configuration_rename" "configuration" { config_id = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.configuration.config_id name = "Documentation and Training Configuration" description = "This configuration is by both the documentation team and the training team." }

Argument reference

This resource supports the following arguments:

  • config_id (Required). Unique identifier of the security configuring being renamed.
  • name (Required). New name for the security configuration.
  • description (Required). Brief description of the security configuration.

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