Challenge injection rules
Returns information about the challenge injection rules available in the specified security configuration. Challenge injection rules help ensure that challenge actions work with AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) requests.
data "akamai_botman_challenge_injection_rules" "injection_rules" {
config_id = data.akamai_appsec_configuration.configuration.config_id
output "injection_rules_json" {
value = data.akamai_botman_challenge_injection_rules.injection_rules.json
Argument reference
This resource supports the following arguments:
(Required). Unique identifier of the security configuration associated with the challenge injection rules.
Attributes reference
This data source returns these attributes:
— Whether the AJAX challenge JavaScript is automatically injected on protected operation hostnames. -
— The conditions that, when met, either inject or don't inject the AJAX challenge.conditions
- Rule conditions to match on. The injection rules overrideinjectJavaScript
at the parent level.injectJavaScript
- Whether the AJAX challenge JavaScript is injected on HTML pages that match the specified rule conditions.ruleName
- The rule's unique name.
Output options
The following options can be used to determine the information returned and how that returned information is formatted:
. JSON-formatted output containing information about your challenge injection rules.
Updated 12 months ago