
Include parents


Get a list of parent properties that use a given include. In your property's rule tree, you can reference an include by adding the include behavior and specifying the include_id.

data "akamai_property_include_parents" "my_include_parents" {
    contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
    group_id    = "12345"
    include_id  = "1234"

output "my_include_parents" {
  value = data.akamai_property_include_parents.my_include_parents
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_include_parents = {
      + contract_id = "C-0N7RAC7"
      + group_id    = "12345"
      + id          = "1234"
      + include_id  = "1234"
      + parents     = [
          + {
              + id                                    = "prp_12345"
              + is_include_used_in_production_version = false
              + is_include_used_in_staging_version    = true
              + name                                  = "my-property-1"
              + production_version                    = ""
              + staging_version                       = "1"
          + {
              + id                                    = "prp_98765"
              + is_include_used_in_production_version = true
              + is_include_used_in_staging_version    = true
              + name                                  = "my-property-2"
              + production_version                    = "2"
              + staging_version                       = "1"


Pass your contract, group, and include IDs in the body of the declaration to get parent properties that use a given include.

contract_idYour contract's ID.
group_idYour group's ID.
include_idYour include's ID.


Returned to you is a list of parents for the specific include.

contract_idYour contract's ID.
group_idYour group's ID.
idYour data source's ID.
include_idYour include's ID.
parentsA list of your include's parent properties. Each parent record contains:
  • name. A human-readable, descriptive name for the property.
  • id. The property's ID.
  • staging_version. The property version currently active on the staging network.
  • production_version. The property version currently active on the production network.
  • is_include_used_in_staging_version. Whether the specified include is active on the staging network and is referenced in the parent's staging_version.
  • is_include_used_in_production_version. Whether the specified include is active on the production network and is referenced in the parent's production_version.