
Content protection JavaScript injection rule


Create, update, or delete a JavaScript injection rule. To delete a rule, run terraform destroy.

resource "akamai_botman_content_protection_javascript_injection_rule" "my_javascript_injection_rule" {
  config_id                                       = 123456
  security_policy_id                              = "abc1_12345"
  content_protection_javascript_injection_rule    = file("${path.module}/my_javascript_injection_rule.json")


Pass the required IDs and your JavaScript injection rule's configuration to create or update a rule.

config_id✔️The security configuration's ID.
security_policy_id✔️The security policy's ID.
content_protection_javascript_injection_rule✔️A JSON-formatted array of JavaScript injection rule settings. Provide a file path to the settings or inline as a jsonencoded array.

Use the Bot Manager API or Bot Manager in Akamai Control Center to create a configuration. Then, export your configuration or use the corresponding data source to get the JSON file.
content_protection_javascript_injection_rule_idThe JavaScript injection rule's ID.


There is no default standard output. For detailed information about the rule, see your state file.