


Get details about a given user.

data "akamai_iam_user" "a_user" {
  ui_identity_id = "A-BC-987654"
Changes to Outputs:
  + a_user = {
      + account_id              = "act_A-CCT1234"
      + actions                 = {
          + api_client         = true
          + delete             = true
          + edit               = true
          + is_cloneable       = true
          + reset_password     = true
          + third_party_access = false
      + additional_authentication            = "TFA"
      + additional_authentication_configured = false
      + address                              = "TBD"
      + auth_grants                          = [
          + {
              + group_id         = 12345
              + group_name       = "My group"
              + is_blocked       = false
              + role_description = "This role provides the maximum access to users. An Administrator can perform admin tasks such as creating users and groups; configuration-related tasks such as creating and editing configurations; publishing tasks"
              + role_id          = 3
              + role_name        = "Admin"
              + sub_groups       = [
                  + {
                      + group_id         = 23456
                      + group_name       = "Subgroup 1"
                      + is_blocked       = false
                      + role_description = ""
                      + role_id          = null
                      + role_name        = ""
                      + sub_groups       = []
                  + {
                      + group_id         = 87654
                      + group_name       = "Subgroup 2"
                      + is_blocked       = false
                      + role_description = ""
                      + role_id          = null
                      + role_name        = ""
                      + sub_groups       = []
      + city                                 = "TBD"
      + contact_type                         = ""
      + country                              = "USA"
      + email                                = ""
      + email_update_pending                 = false
      + first_name                           = "John"
      + is_locked                            = false
      + job_title                            = "Network operator"
      + last_login_date                      = "2024-09-20T21:08:48.727Z"
      + last_name                            = "Smith"
      + mobile_phone                         = ""
      + notifications                        = {
          + enable_email_notifications = true
          + options                    = {
              + api_client_credential_expiry_notification = false
              + new_user_notification                     = true
              + password_expiry                           = true
              + proactive                                 = []
              + upgrade                                   = []
      + password_expiry_date                 = "2024-08-14T18:47:24Z"
      + phone                                = ""
      + preferred_language                   = "English"
      + secondary_email                      = ""
      + session_timeout                      = 14400
      + state                                = ""
      + tfa_configured                       = false
      + tfa_enabled                          = true
      + time_zone                            = "GMT"
      + ui_identity_id                       = "A-BC-987654"
      + ui_user_name                         = ""
      + zip_code                             = ""


Pass a user's ui_identity_id to get information about the user.


Returned is a list of details about the given user.

ui_identity_idThe user's UI ID.
account_idThe user's account ID.
actionsThe operations you can perform on the group. Each ability is a boolean. true allows the action, and false denies it. Contains:
  • delete
  • edit
  • api_client
  • is_cloneable
  • reset_password
  • third_party_access
additional_authenticationThe user's type of multi-factor authentication, if any.
additional_authentication_configuredWhether multi-factor authentication is configured for the user.
addressThe user's address.
  • group_id. A group's ID.
  • group_name. A group's name.
  • is_blocked. Whether the user is blocked from the group.
  • role_description. A human-readable note about the role.
  • role_id. A role's ID.
  • role_name. A role's name.
  • sub_groups. A list of subgroups for the group, if any. The sub_groups list returned contains the same properties as auth_grants.
cityThe city in which the user is.
contact_typeA user classification that states a role type they have within your company and their contact information. For example, a business or engineering manager.
countryThe country in which the user is.
emailThe user's email address.
email_update_pendingWhether there are any pending changes to the user's email address.
first_nameThe user's given name.
is_lockedWhether the user is locked out of your Akamai account.
job_titleThe user's job title.
last_login_dateThe last time the user logged in in ISO 8601 format.
last_nameThe user's surname.
mobile_phoneThe user's mobile phone number in ITU-T E.164 format, +<country-code><area-code><subscriber-number>. For example, +3551234567891 or +441234567891.

For Canadian and US phone numbers, the country code is optional.
notificationsWhether the user is subscribed or unsubscribed to product notification emails. Contains:
  • options. The notification settings.
    • password_expiry. Required. Notify on expiring password.
    • upgrade. Required. Notify user about upgrades for a given list of products.
    • proactive. Required. Notify user about service issues for a given list of products.
    • api_client_credential_expiry_notifications. Notify on expiring API client credentials.
    • new_user_notification. Notify group administrator when the user creates new users.
  • enable_email_notifications. Whether to enable email notifications.
password_expiry_dateThe date the user's password expires in ISO 8601 format.
phoneThe user's phone number in ITU-T E.164 format, +<country-code><area-code><subscriber-number>. For example, +3551234567891 or +441234567891.

For Canadian and US phone numbers, the country code is optional.
preferred_languageThe user's language. The default is English.
secondary_emailThe user's secondary email address.
session_timeoutThe number of seconds it takes for the user's Control Center session to time out if there hasn't been any activity.
stateThe state where the user is located. If the user's state or province is unknown, use the TBD value.
tfa_configuredWhether two-factor authentication is configured.
tfa_enabledWhether two-factor authentication is enabled.
time_zoneThe user's time zone. The default is GMT. .
ui_user_nameThe user's Akamai Control Center name.
zip_codeThe user's postal code.