
CIDR map


Get details about a given domain's CIDR map.

data "akamai_gtm_cidrmap" "my_gtm_cidrmap" {
  domain   = ""
  map_name = "my gtm cidrmap"
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_gtm_cidrmap = {
      + assignments        = [
          + {
              + blocks        = [
                  + "",
              + datacenter_id = 1234
              + nickname      = "Sample CIDR"
      + default_datacenter = {
          + datacenter_id = 2345
          + nickname      = "All Other CIDR Blocks"
      + domain             = ""
      + id                 = "gtm_cidrmap"
      + links              = [
          + {
              + href = ""
              + rel  = "self"
      + map_name           = "my gtm cidrmap"


Pass both a domain and a map name in the data block.

domain✔️A GTM domain name.
map_name✔️Your GTM domain's CIDR map name.


Returned are high-level details about the given domain's CIDR map.

assignmentsDetails about the given domain's CIDR maps. Contains:
  • blocks. A set of CIDR blocks.
  • datacenter_id. An ID for an existing data center in the given domain.
  • nickname. A human-readable name for the group of CIDR blocks.
default_datacenterThe ID for the default data center in the given domain. Contains:
  • datacenter_id. An ID for an existing data center in the given domain.
  • nickname. A human-readable name for the group of CIDR blocks.
domainThe given domain's name.
linksThe direct URL to the given domain. Contains:
  • rel. The link relationship of the object.
  • href. The fully-qualified URL that defines the resource.