CIDR blocks
Get a list of all CIDR blocks available to you on your allowlist.
data "akamai_iam_cidr_blocks" "my_cird_blocks" {
output "my_cird_blocks" {
value = data.akamai_iam_cidr_blocks.my_cird_blocks
Changes to Outputs:
+ my_cird_blocks = {
+ cidr_blocks = [
+ {
+ actions = {
+ delete = true
+ edit = true
+ cidr_block = ""
+ cidr_block_id = 12345
+ comments = "EMEA Region"
+ created_by = ""
+ created_date = "2023-02-22T15:01:53Z"
+ enabled = true
+ modified_by = ""
+ modified_date = "2024-03-26T15:41:50Z"
+ {
+ actions = {
+ delete = true
+ edit = true
+ cidr_block = "987.6.5.4/32"
+ cidr_block_id = 98765
+ comments = "APAC Region"
+ created_by = ""
+ created_date = "2023-10-28T16:08:15Z"
+ enabled = true
+ modified_by = ""
+ modified_date = "2024-09-18T16:08:15Z"
The data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Returned to you is a cird_blocks
list with details about each CIRD block record.
Attribute | Description |
actions | The operations you can perform on the CIDR list.
cidr_block_id | The CIDR block's ID. |
cidr_block | The value of an IP address or IP address range. |
comments | The human-readable details about your CIDR block. |
created_by | The user who created the CIDR block. |
created_date | The date when the CIDR block was created in ISO 8601 format. |
enabled | Whether the CIDR block is enabled.
modified_by | The user who last edited the CIDR block. |
modified_date | The date when the CIDR block was last modified in ISO 8601 format. |
Updated 6 months ago