


Get roles for the current account and contract type.

data "akamai_iam_roles" "my_roles" {

output "my_roles" {
  value = data.akamai_iam_roles.my_roles
Changes to Outputs:
  + my_roles = {
      + id    = "akamai_iam_roles"
      + roles = [
          + {
              + created_by    = "jsmith"
              + description   = "This role lets users edit or create reports."
              + modified_by   = "jsmith"
              + name          = "Edit Reports"
              + role_id       = "123456"
              + time_created  = "2023-08-01T17:41:22.000Z"
              + time_modified = "2023-08-01T17:41:22.000Z"
              + type          = "custom"
          + {
              + created_by    = "Akamai"
              + description   = "Admin role for Marketplace Direct Contract."
              + modified_by   = "Akamai"
              + name          = "Admin-Marketplace"
              + role_id       = "987654"
              + time_created  = "2023-07-26T19:17:50.000Z"
              + time_modified = "2023-07-26T19:37:25.000Z"
              + type          = "standard"


The data source is passed empty. The config_section argument in the Akamai provider block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.


Returned to you is a roles set with a list of roles available to you and their high-level details.

role_idThe role's ID.
nameThe role's name.
descriptionThe role's description.
typeThe role type. Possible values:
  • standard. A role defined by Akamai. You can't modify or delete this type of role.
  • custom. A role created by a user of your account.
time_createdThe ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the role was originally created.
time_modifiedThe ISO 8601 timestamp indicating when the role was last updated.
modified_byThe name of the user who last edited the role.
created_byThe name of the user who created the role.