Rule formats
Retrieve a list of supported rule formats.
data "akamai_property_rule_formats" "my_rule_formats" {
output "my_rule_formats" {
value = data.akamai_property_rule_formats.my_rule_formats
Changes to Outputs:
+ my-rule-formats = {
+ id = "rule_format"
+ rule_format = [
+ "v2024-08-13",
+ "v2024-05-31",
+ "v2024-02-12",
+ "v2024-01-09",
+ "v2023-10-30",
+ "v2023-09-20",
+ "v2023-05-30",
+ "v2023-01-05",
+ "v2022-10-18",
+ "v2022-06-28",
+ "v2021-09-22",
+ "v2021-07-30",
+ "v2020-11-02",
+ "v2020-03-04",
+ "v2019-07-25",
+ "v2018-09-12",
+ "v2018-02-27",
+ "v2017-06-19",
+ "v2016-11-15",
+ "v2015-08-17",
+ "latest",
The data source is passed empty. The config_section
argument in the Akamai provider
block of your Terraform configuration provides the necessary information.
Returned to you is a computed list of rule formats' version IDs.
Updated 7 months ago