- Property Manager name: Adaptive Acceleration
- Behavior version: The
rule format supports theadaptive_acceleration
behavior v2.3. - Rule format status: GA, stable
- Access: Read/Write
- Allowed in includes: No (temporarily)
Adaptive Acceleration uses HTTP/2 server push functionality with Ion properties to pre-position content and improve the performance of HTML page loading based on real user monitoring (RUM) timing data. It also helps browsers to preconnect to content that’s likely needed for upcoming requests. To use this behavior, make sure you enable the http2
behavior. Use the Adaptive Acceleration API to report on the set of assets this feature optimizes.
Option | Type | Description | Requires | |
source | string | The source Adaptive Acceleration uses to gather the real user monitoring timing data, either | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} | |
enable_push | boolean | Recognizes resources like JavaScript, CSS, and images based on gathered timing data and sends these resources to a browser as it's waiting for a response to the initial request for your website or app. See Automatic Server Push for more information. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"expression":{"op":"or","params":[{"attribute":"modulesOnContract","op":"contains","scope":"global","value":"RUA_IEH"},{"attribute":"property.modulesOnContract","op":"contains","scope":"global","value":"RUA_IEH"}]},"op":"not"}} | |
enable_preconnect | boolean | Allows browsers to anticipate what connections your site needs, and establishes those connections ahead of time. See Automatic Preconnect for more information. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
preload_enable | boolean | Allows browsers to preload necessary fonts before they fetch and process other resources. See Automatic Font Preload for more information. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
ab_logic | enum | Specifies whether to use Adaptive Acceleration in an A/B testing environment. To include Adaptive Acceleration data in your A/B testing, specify the mode you want to apply. Otherwise, | {"displayType":"enum","options":["DISABLED","CLOUDLETS","MANUAL"],"tag":"select"} | |
DISABLED | Disables the use of Adaptive Acceleration in the A/B testing environment. This is the default value. | |||
CLOUDLETS | Applies A/B testing using Cloudlets. | |||
MANUAL | Applies A/B testing by redirecting a request to one of two origin servers, based on the cookie included with the request. | |||
cookie_name | string | This specifies the name of the cookie file used for redirecting the requests in the A/B testing environment. | ab_logic is MANUAL | {"displayType":"string","tag":"input","type":"text"} {"if":{"attribute":"abLogic","op":"eq","value":"MANUAL"}} |
intelligent_early_hints | boolean | Enable or disable Intelligent Early Hints. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"op":"or","params":[{"attribute":"modulesOnContract","op":"contains","scope":"global","value":"RUA_IEH"},{"attribute":"property.modulesOnContract","op":"contains","scope":"global","value":"RUA_IEH"}]}} | |
enable_ro | boolean | Enables the Resource Optimizer, which automates the compression and delivery of your | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
enable_brotli_compression | boolean | Applies Brotli compression, converting your origin content to cache on edge servers. | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} | |
enable_for_noncacheable | boolean | Applies Brotli compression to non-cacheable content. | enable_brotli_compression is true | {"displayType":"boolean","tag":"input","type":"checkbox"} {"if":{"attribute":"enableBrotliCompression","op":"eq","value":true}} |
Updated about 1 month ago